
Citations: 468 h-index: 11 |i10-index 14 (Google Scholar)


Peer Reviewed

24. LaRue EA, Fahey RT, Hardiman BS, Johnson JS, Elmore A, Bhatt P, Hakkenberg C, Cousins S, Atkins JW, Buma B, Kashian D, Surasinghe T, Chen A, Papes M, Zhai L, Koirala A, Zambrano J, Alveshere B, St. Hilaire J, Fei S. 2023. The ecological role of structural diversity. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.


23. Mitchell JC, Kashian D, Chen X, Cousins S, Gruner D, Johnson JS, Surasinghe T, Zambrano J, Buma B. 2023. Forest ecosystem properties emerge from interactions of structure and disturbance. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.


22. Hoban S, Archer FI, Bertola L, Bragg J, Breed M, Bruford M, Coleman M, Ekblom R, Funk C, Hand BK, Grueber C, Jaffé R, Jensen E, Johnson JS, Kershaw F, Liggins L, MacDonald A, Mergeay J, Miller J, Muller-Karger F, O'Brien D, Paz Vinas I, Pearson S, Potter K, Razgour O, Vernesi C, Hunter ME. 2022. Global genetic diversity status and trends: Towards a suite of Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) for genetic composition. Biological Reviews doi: 10.1111/brv.12852


21. Liu JJ, Schoettle AW, Sniezko RA, Waring KM, Williams H, Zamany A, Johnson JS, Kegley A. 2022. Comparative association mapping reveals conservation of major gene resistance to white pine blister rust in southwestern white pine (Pinus strobiformis) and limber pine (P. flexilis). Phytopathology.


20. Haagsma M., Page GFM., Johnson JS, Still C, Waring KM, Sniezko RA, and Selker JS. 2021. Model selection and timing of acquisition date impacts classification accuracy: A case study using hyperspectral imaging to detect white pine blister rust over time. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 191:106555.


19. Johnson JS, Sniezko RA. 2021. Quantitative disease resistance to white pine blister rust at southwestern white pine’s (Pinus strobiformis) northern range. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. 4:765871. doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2021.765871


18. *Bista R, Chhetri PK, Johnson JS, Sinha A, Shrestha KB. 2021. Climate-driven differences in growth performance of cohabitant fir and birch in a subalpine forest in Dhorpatan Nepal. Forests. 12.


17. LaRue EA, Dodds W, Rohr J, Dahlin K, Thorp JH, Johnson JS, Hardiman BS, Rodriguez-Gonzalez MI, Keller M, Fahey R, Knott J, SanClements M, Atkins JW, Tromboni F, Chandra S, Parker G, Rose K, Liu J, Fei S. 2021. The evolution of macrosystems biology. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 19: 11-19.


16. Haagsma M, Page GFM, Johnson JS¸ Still C, Waring KM, Sniezko RA, Selker J. 2020. Using hyperspectral imagery to detect an invasive fungal pathogen and symptom severity in Pinus strobiformis seedlings of different genotypes. Remote Sensing.


15. Sniezko RA, Johnson JS, Reeser P, Kegley A, Hansen E, Sutton W, Savin DP. 2020. Genetic resistance to Phytophthora lateralis in Port-Orford-cedar (Chamaecyapris lawsoniana) – Basic building blocks for a resistance program. Plants, People, Planet. DOI: 10.1002/ppp3.10081


14. Sniezko RA, Johnson JS, Savin DP. 2020. Assessing the durability, stability, and usability of genetic resistance to a non-native fungal pathogen in two pine species. Plants, People, Planet. DOI: 10.1002/ppp3.49


13. Rogers H, Beckman N, Hartig F, Johnson JS, Pufal G, Shea K, Zurell D, Bullock JM, Cantrell S, Loiselle B, Pejchar L, Razafindratsmia O, Sandor M, Schupp E, Strickland C, Zambrano J. 2019. The total dispersal kernel: A review and future directions. AoB Plants. DOI: 10.1093/aobpla/plz042 Editor’s Choice


12. Beckman NG, Aslan C, Rogers H, Kogan O, Bronstein J, Bullock JM, Hartig F, HilleRisLambers J, Zhou J, Zurell D, Brodie JF, Bruna E, Cantrell S, Decker R, Effiom E, Fricke E, Gurski K, Hastings A, Johnson JS, Loiselle BA, Miriti M, Neubert MG, Pejchar L, Poulsen JR, Powell JA, Pufal G, Razafindratsima OH, Sandor M, Shea K, Schupp EW, Snell RS, Strickland C, Zambrano J. 2019. Advancing an interdisciplinary framework to study seed dispersal ecology. AOB Plants.


11. Johnson JS, Cantrell S, Cosner C, Hartig F, Hastings A, Rogers H, Schupp EW, Shea K, Yu X, Zurell D, Pufal G. 2019. Rapid changes in seed dispersal traits may modify plant responses to global change. AoB Plants. DOI: 10.1093/aobpla/plz020 Editor’s Choice


10. Aslan C, Beckman NG, Rogers H, Bronstein J, Zurell D, Hartig F, Shea K, Pejchar L, Neubert MG, HilleRisLambers J, Miriti M, Loiselle BA, Effiom E, Zambrano J, Schupp EW, Pufal G, Johnson JS, Bullock JM, Brodie JF, Bruna E, Cantrell S, Decker R, Fricke E, Gurski K, Hastings A, Kogan O, Powell JA, Razafindratsima OH, Sandor M, Schreiber SJ, Snell RS, Strickland C, Zhou J. 2019. Employing plant functional groups to advance seed dispersal ecology and conservation. AoB Plants. DOI: 10.1093/aobpla/plz006 Editor’s Choice


9. Johnson JS, Chhetri PK, Krutovsky KV, Cairns DM. 2017. Growth and its relationship to individual genetic diversity of mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana) at alpine treeline in Alaska: Combining dendrochronology and genomics. Forests, 8: 418. DOI:10.3390/f8110418


8. Johnson JS, Gaddis KD, Cairns DM, Konganti K, Krutovsky KV. 2017. Landscape genomic insights into the historic migration of mountain hemlock in response to Holocene climate change. American Journal of Botany, 104: 439-450. DOI 10.3732/ajb.1600262 Cover Photo


7. Johnson JS, Gaddis KD, Cairns DM, Krutovsky KV. 2017. Seed dispersal at alpine treeline: An assessment of seed movement within the alpine treeline ecotone. Ecosphere, 8: e01649. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.1649 (Winner of the Henry Cowles Award from the American Association of Geographers)


6. Johnson JS, Gaddis KD, Cairns DM, Lafon CW, Krutovsky KV. 2016. Plant responses to global change: Next generation biogeography. Physical Geography, 37: 93-119. DOI: 10.1080/02723646.2016.1162597


5. Johnson JS, Cairns DM, Houser C. 2013. Coastal Marsh Vegetation Assemblages of Galveston Bay: Insights for the East Texas Chenier Plain. Wetlands, 33: 861-870. DOI: 10.1007/s13157-013-0443