Hatch/Hatch Multistate

Hatch “Umbrella” Project

Hatch projects are 5-year broad research plans,  with measureable goals and impacts,  that meet the mission of AgBioResearch and the broader research mission of USDA-NIFA.  Research project outlines are peer-reviewed, reviewed and endorsed by unit administrator, ABR Directors and submitted for approval at USDA-NIFA.

Hatch Multistate

A portion of our Hatch funds are designated as Regional Research Funds or Multistate Research Funds and can be used only for formal regional research undertakings.

Regional research supported by the Hatch Act is a joint effort for the region directed toward the solution of definite problems of important concern to agriculture. Two characteristics distinguish it from other types of research:

  • The research focuses on a specific and important problem of concern to two or more states.
  • The research is planned and conducted as a concerted team effort in which the participating scientists are mutually responsible for accomplishing undertakings. The regional research undertaking is, in essence, a substitution for other research work, or is complementary to ongoing projects.

Participation in a regional research project does not imply or assure that the participant will receive additional new funds for the regional research undertaking. In almost all instances, Regional Research Funds assist in offsetting faculty salaries, help operate and maintain research infrastructure, are a source of funding used by ABR to fund equipment proposals, and support faculty travel to Multistate research project meetings.

Procedure for joining a regional research project

  1. Get approval from your department head to join the regional project.
  2. Click on this link on this link to access Appendix E form instructions, which will compliment your task of logging into https://www.nimss.org/
  3. A project initiation form must be created. See Reporting Requirements.
  4. Any questions or issues please contact the Site Administrator at jdesande@msu.edu.