Human Subject Research


The Michigan State University (MSU) Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) includes the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and the HRPP Compliance offices.

There are three MSU IRBs:

  • Biomedical and Health Institutional Review Board (BIRB)
  • Community Research Institutional Review Board (CRIRB)
  • Social Science/Behavioral/Education Institutional Review Board (SIRB)


The MSU HRPP primary mission is the protection of individuals who are the subjects of research.

IRB Review Needed?


The Michigan State University Human Research Protection Program policies and procedures apply to the human subject research and/or clinical investigations conducted by employees of MSU (faculty and staff), by students of MSU, by agents of MSU (i.e. individuals engaged by MSU to conduct human subject research on behalf of MSU), or by individuals conducting research at entities that have a formal written agreement with MSU for review and approval of their human subject research.

Research Involving Human Subjects

When an activity meets the definition of “research” and involves “human subjects,” the DHHS regulations regarding the protection of human subjects apply, with limited exceptions outlined in Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Manual.

Clinical Investigation Involving Human Subject(s)

When an activity meets the definitions of “clinical investigation” and “human subject,” the FDA’s regulations regarding the protection of human subjects also apply (e.g. 21 CFR 50, 21 CFR 56, 21 CFR 312, 21 CFR 812).

Required Training

Principal investigators (PI) and any individual engaged in human research overseen by Michigan State University (MSU) must complete and maintain current Human Research Protection training prior to engaging in human subject research. For a description of the requirements, please visit the Required Training web page.

To view this information in more detail or for additional information visit the Human Research Protection Program web site at:, call their office (517) 355-2180, or email

Reviewed April 2017