4-H Animal Science
Emmet-Charlevoix 4-H Market Livestock Association
Meets the third Monday of every month at the Emmet County Fairgrounds at 7 p.m. (no meeting in December).
4-H Market Livestock Meeting Dates
BY-LAWS and Rules:
Market Livestock Association Rules 2024-2025
Market Livestock Association BY-LAWS 2024-2025
Member Forms:
- Market Livestock Record Book
- Learning Experience - Parts of the Animal Diagram
- Learning Experience - Whole Cuts of Meat Diagram
- Learning Experience - Commercial Cuts of Meat Diagram
Youth Board Members for 2024-2025
- Youth President - Kaylie Pennington
- Youth Vice President - Kately Wilson
- Youth Secretary - Abby Potter
- Youth Treasurer - Travis Bickes Jr.
- Youth Large Beef Representatives - Ellie Clausen & Rachel Clausen
- Youth Jr. Beef/Dairy Feeder Representatives - Lily Doyle & Sadie Keck
- Youth Sheep/Goat Representatives - Amira Behling & Elle Orlarey
- Youth Swine Representatives - Rebecca Bickes, Ethan Fettig, Owen Foster, Xavier Keck & Emilea Orlarey
- Youth Small Animal Representatives - Braxtin Fettig & Arianna Foster
Adult Board Members for 2024-2025
- President - Kortney Heckman
- Vice President -
- Secretary - Sheryl Thayer
- Treasurer - Heather Heckman
- Recording Secretary - Dawn Thayer
- Educational Chairman - Cody Morrison
- Large Beef Superintendents - Maddie Graham & Ren Graham
- Jr. Beef/Dairy Feeder - Gina Bennett & Adam Greenman
- Swine Superintendents - Travis Bickes Sr. & Justin Furgeson
- Sheep/Goat Superintendents - Karagan Poole & Lauren Wilks
- Small Animal Superintendents - Tammy Fettig & Heather Holzschu
Emmet-Charlevoix 4-H Horse Program 2024-2025
Youth Board Members
- President - Gabby McNitt
- Vice President - Sydney Tabone
- Secretary - Kendall Marvin
- Treasurer - Paige Tabone
Adult Board Members
- President - Cyndel Alexander
- Vice President -Nicol Beck
- Secretary - Ryan Richards
- Treasurer - Lenore Senter
- Educational Chair - Erika Lewis
Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of the Month at 7:00 pm at the Equestrian Center at the Fairgrounds - no meetings in November, December, and January.
Horse Program Documents
Emmet-Charlevoix County 4-H Horse By-Laws
4-H Horse Rules
Horse Member Enrollment Form