MSU AgBioResearch and Extension leaders are pleased to announce the first request for proposals for the Agricultural Climate Resiliency Competitive Grants Program. In response to proactive efforts via the plant coalition and allied agriculture industry partners in Michigan, the State of Michigan appropriated funds in Fiscal Year 2024 for an Agricultural Climate Resiliency Competitive Grants Program. This new program, a partnership among Michigan agriculture industry partners, the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, MSU AgBioResearch and MSU Extension, will fund three-year, integrated multi-disciplinary projects up to $1,250,000 each, with the overall goal to enhance climate change adaptation and mitigation, and environmental sustainability, of Michigan agriculture through regenerative agriculture and other approaches.

AgBioResearch leadership recently held a webinar on the program that can be viewed here.

Please note the following:

  1. Proposals may request funding for up to three years with a total budget up to $1,250,000  ($250,000 in year one and $500,000 in years two and three). We anticipate funding at least four proposals.
  2. To provide sufficient information to identify qualified proposal reviewers, and to prepare for the number of proposals that will be submitted, a Letter of Intent must be submitted by Feb. 1, 2024, one month prior to the proposal due date of March 1, 2024.
  3. A Proposal Development Number must be created and fully routed through the KC system prior to submission in the Competitive Grants database. Proposals will be rejected if an invalid proposal development (PD) number is entered.
  4. Proposals must include a cover page and detailed budget with justification, and must meet formatting guidelines described in the RFP. Up to three letters of support may be included with each proposal.
  5. Detailed instructions on the proposal submission process will be provided to each PI who submits a Letter of Intent.

Please contact Jim Kells (kells@msu.edu) if you have any questions about the RFP.