Journal Articles
A list of journal articles published by CSIS members, including 3 cover stories in Nature, 24 appearances in Science, and 17 in PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America).
Books and Book Chapters
Selected books (edited books) and book chapters published by CSIS members.
Values, opinions, and behavior of inland trout anglers in Michigan
Published on January 13, 2017
The Michigan DNR conducted the Inland Trout Angler Survey to assess current opinions of inland trout anglers with respect to regulations and management priorities, and to characterize behavior, opinions, and practices of a large sample of these anglers. -
Comparing stream-specific to generalized temperature models to guide coldwater salmonid management in a changing climate
Published on January 13, 2017
Using different projected climate change scenarios, we compared the accuracy and efficiency of stream-specific and generalized temperature models for coldwater salmonids within and outside Michigan, USA. -
Integration across a metacoupled world
Published on January 1, 2017
Human-nature interactions are complex and have important implications for achieving sustainable development goals and addressing other global challenges. Although numerous studies have explored human-nature (or human-environment) interactions and gen... -
SCIENCE CHINA - LIFE SCIENCES -- Conservation planning beyond giant pandas: the need for an innovative telecoupling framework
Published on December 27, 2016
A develop of innovative systems approaches that improve human well being while sustaining wildlife populations and their habitats. -
Acta Ecologica Sinica - 远程耦合世界的可持续性框架
Published on November 24, 2016
译自: Liu, J. et al. 2013. Framing sustainability in a telecoupled world. Ecology and Society 18(2): 26. -
ECOSYSTEM HEALTH AND SUSTAINABILITY -- New road for telecoupling global prosperity and ecological sustainability
Published on November 4, 2016
We apply the integrated framework of telecoupling and propose to enhance infrastructure connection, transboundary actions, scientific and cultural exchanges, and institutional innovations within the Belt and Road region. -
Developing future leaders
Published on October 23, 2016
We will discuss the importance of leadership development and action in the context of fisheries and aquatic ecosystem management and decision-making. -
Urban water sustainability: framework and application
Published on October 12, 2016
Urban areas such as megacities (those with populations greater than 10 million) are hotspots of global water use and thus face intense water management challenges -
Habitat Use and Selection by Giant Pandas
Published on September 30, 2016
Animals make choices about where to spend their time in complex and dynamic landscapes, choices that reveal information about their biology that in turn can be used to guide their conservation. -
On the evolution of organizations
Published on September 19, 2016
Like people, organizations—groups of people working together toward a common purpose—come in all varieties -
Chemistry to conservation: using otoliths to advance recreational and commercial fisheries management
Published on September 1, 2016
Otolith chemistry publications span a wide variety of topics (e.g., natal origins, habitat use, movement, stock discrimination, statistical theory) and species in freshwater and marine systems. -
In the footsteps of a heroine: honoring Janice Lee Fenske
Published on August 25, 2016
The Fenske Fellowship is a recruitment award offered through the Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife at Michigan State University that provides financial support for students to integrate fisheries management experiences into their graduate research programs. -
Variation of soil hydraulic properties with alpine grassland degradation in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau
Published on August 8, 2016
In this study, soil field capacity (FC) and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) together with several basic soil properties under light degraded (LD), moderate degraded (MD) and severe degraded (SD) alpine swamp meadow were investigated. -
To evolve, or not to evolve? - that is the question
Published on August 3, 2016
Formal and informal education, along with the presence of good mentors, is paramount in readying developing professionals for success in a changing environment and an evolving profession. -
The underappreciated livelihood contributions of inland fisheries and the societal consequences of their neglect
Published on July 14, 2016
This paper explores approaches that consider the knowledge and perspective of fishers, fish workers, other aquatic resource users, and their communities to augment and improve the knowledge in better managing freshwater fisheries resources. -
Preparing the next generation of fisheries professionals
Published on June 28, 2016
Here we describe six action items that we believe can help enhance fisheries education and effectively prepare students for successful careers in fisheries. -
Improvements in ecosystem services from investments in natural capital
Published on June 16, 2016
We report on China’s first national ecosystem assessment. -
Climate change and fisheries education
Published on June 3, 2016
As climate change intensifies, we believe it is imperative that students and young professionals acquire basic and applied knowledge of climate change as it relates inland fisheries. -
Otoliths as elemental tracers of walleye environmental history: insights for interjurisdictional fisheries management
Published on May 20, 2016
Understanding fish natal origins and movement is important for managing interjurisdictional fisheries. -
Climate change impacts on freshwater fishes: A Canadian perspective.
Published on May 5, 2016
Here we provide a perspective from the Canadian Aquatic Resources Section on the impacts of climate change to freshwater fishes.