Diabetes PATH Toolkit--Evenings

November 5, 2024 - December 10, 2024

Registration Deadline: October 22, 2024 - 11:45PM


Contact: Christi Demitz

Tuesday evenings from 6:30-7:30 pm ET

November 5-December 10, 2024

The Diabetes PATH Toolkit Telephone Course is a series of 6 weekly telephone calls with a leader and 2-3 other people living with diabetes. Family members, friends, and caregivers are also encouraged to attend the course.

When you attend the course you will learn tools to:

  • Work with health care providers 
  • Manage symptoms such as pain, fatigue, difficult emotions, sleep problems, depression
  • Make lifestyle changes such as healthy eating and physical activity 
  • Set goals and accomplish them

Participants report these benefits: 

  • Sharing with others who understand
  • Taking ownership of your condition
  • Knowing you are not alone
  • Having your voice heard

Cost: FREE

Technology Requirements: 

  • Telephone

The Diabetes PATH Toolkit Telephone Course is a Self-Management Resource Center program. 


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