Mindful Educators7.31
July 31, 2024 1:00PM - 3:00PM
Registration Deadline: July 29, 2024 - 12:00AM
zoom webinar
Contact: Georgina Guzman, gguzman@msu.edu
Mindful Educators
July 31, 2024
1 - 3 p.m. ET
via Zoom
Mindful Educators is a workshop for Pre-K, Elementary, Middle, and High School Educators and staff. Mindful Educators is a workshop designed to give educators the tools to cultivate their own mindfulness practice and introduce mindfulness in the classroom.
Mindfulness means paying attention to the present moment without judgement.
Research has shown that mindful educators have higher levels of classroom management and are more attuned to student needs. Mindful students have shown significant improvements in emotional regulation, compassion, focus and engagement.
Self Care for Educators is Important
“We all have the need and the human right to take time for ourselves, to heal our own suffering and cultivate our own happiness and well being”
(Hanh & Weare, 2017)
- Establish an understanding of mindfulness.
- Experience several mindful practices.
- Cultivate a personal practice.
- Explore classroom curriculum and resources.
- Create in school support for self practice and classroom implementation.
Cost: FREE
Registration for this event has closed.
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