Aquatic Nuisance Species

Exotic species invasions have led to drastic changes in aquatic ecosystems throughout North America and the world. We are working on many fronts to assess and mitigate the effects of these aquatic nuisance species.

Outreach related to aquatic nuisance species:

  • Sea Grant Extension specialist on ANS - numerous publications, presentations, etc. (including 4-H Purple Loosestrife Project)
  • Information summary on Sonar to Michigan Environmental Science Board
  • Presentations on Sonar research findings to Lake Associations, DNR fisheries and wildlife divisions, scientific meetings
  • Posters on Sonar for Ag Expo and Outdoor Expo
  • MSU Extension bulletin “Integrated Pest Management for Nuisance Exotics in Michigan Inland Lakes”
  • Regular advice to sea lamprey program staff; membership on Task Forces; leadership for GLFC sea lamprey research program