Host a Japanese delegate in your home over the summer and give your family a global perspective!
Do you have a youth 10-17 years old? Would you like to host a Japanese son or daughter for a month in the summer? Annually, in Michigan from July to August, we will be looking for host families for 12–17-year-old Japanese youth. We match Michigan youth with a Japanese brother or sister of the same gender, within three years of age, and with similar interests. The delegate can share a room with your child and can attend a summer camp (cost covered, up to $250) with their host sibling. Apply soon, as applications open in October for the upcoming year! Delegate information will be available in February. Go to www.states4hexchange.org to begin your online application.
The Japanese youth (ages 12-17) are coming to Michigan as part of a delegation of Japanese youth and an adult chaperone participating in the Michigan 4-H Japan Summer Inbound exchange program. Michigan's has partnered for 50 years with States' 4-H International Exchange Programs.

Here is a 5 minute video of Michigan 4-H commemorating the summer In-US program Michigan 2022 to enjoy, warm your heart, and spark your consideration to host: https://mediaspace.msu.edu/media/t/1_c9zo5re
"Become a host family today, create memories that will never fade away!"
Host Families:
- A host family needs to complete the States’ 4-H International Exchange Programs online application
- Applications to host can be found at states4hexchange.org.
- Have a youth to match as a host brother/sister (be within 3 years of age)
- Adults living in the home need to be Michigan 4-H adult Gold Volunteers
- Reference and background checks and an in-home interview with a 4-H staff member from Michigan State University Extension.
Japanese delegates:
- They are between the ages of 12 and 17.
- They are members of the LABO Organization in Japan
- LABO and 4-H have been partners in this international exchange program since 1972.
- Personal Information Sheets (PIS) will arrive in February, including the delegates' hobbies, interests, photos, and personality traits.
- Host families who complete the application process will have first choice of delegate.

More hosting information:
- Special trips and activities are not required.
- Families are not required to participate in any specific activities. However, Participation in the Matching Ceremony is very special.
- Host families do not need to be able to speak Japanese to host.
- The Japanese youth may share a bedroom with a youth of the same gender, but need their own bed.
- Delegates can attend a summer camp with their host sibling (the cost is covered up to $250, if pre-approved by the State Coordinator).
- Host families are expected to provide for their delegate the same things they provide for their own youth during the exchange (three meals a day and a separate bed for the delegate is required).
- Delegates provide for their own personal expenses and medical insurance is provided through the program.
Benefits of being a host family with the Michigan 4-H International Exchange Program:
- Host families to increase their cross-cultural and global understanding, broaden family communication skills, make new friends from another country, and have fun while learning about Japan in your own home!
- Host families do not receive monetary compensation for hosting.
- Host families are provided with pre-program orientation and training and have access to support at any time during the exchange period by contacting the State Coordinator, Janis Brinn brinn@msu.edu
- Adult Japanese chaperones travel to Michigan with the delegation and are available to help the Japanese youth and host families with any issues or concerns that may arise during the exchange.

How to apply:
- Applications are available starting in October and will be accepted until all the Japanese delegates have been matched with host families.
- Matching starts in March and approved families are good for three years.
- Applications for those interested in becoming host families are available at www.states4hexchange.org.
- Complete the host family application online and other information will be emailed to you.
- If the adults in the home are not Michigan 4-H Gold Volunteers support is provided to complete the Michigan Volunteer Selection Process.
- If the youth in the home are ages 18-20 years old they must complete a background check and provide two non-family adult references for feedback.
- The entire family will become registered in the Michigan 4-H International Club.
- Please note: Host family selection is dependent on completion of an applicant screening process as well as student availability and personality compatibility.
4-H grows successful youth through positive developmental relationships. If you would like to learn more, visit the Michigan 4-H website. Find other global educational opportunities on the MSU Extension Global and Cultural Education website. Also feel free to check out the Michigan 4-H International Exchange Programs Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Michigan-4-H-International-Exchange-Programs-164923776970132 and the States 4-H International Exchange Programs Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/states4hexchange to keep up to date on all the wonderful opportunities available.
For more information, contact:
Janis Brinn
Youth Leadership, Civic and Cultural Engagement Educator