Grapevine decline or Esca


Grapevine decline or Esca

Phaeomoniella chlamydospora Phaeoacremonium spp. Stereum hirsutum Phellinus punctatus

Grapevine decline affects both young and old vines. Young vines often show stunted growth, small trunk size and reduced foliage. On older vines, yellowish or reddish patches may appear between leaf veins in mid- to late season, eventually leading to marginal and interveinal burning. Berries may show poor maturation and purplish gray flecks “measles.” The entire vine or part of it may die suddenly, usually during hot periods. Sometimes shelflike mushrooms can be found on the trunk. Causal fungi can infect vines through roots and pruning wounds and become systemic in the plant. Infected vines are often symptomless, so the disease can easily spread via planting material.