Michigan 4-H Enrollment
Published on September 1, 2020
Learn the steps to take after selecting a Michigan 4-H club. -
Michigan 4-H Advisory Council Responsibilities, Best Practices & Requirements
Published on October 1, 2018
County 4-H boards and committees have many of the same responsibilities as a county Council, however, their responsibilities typically relate to a specific program or project area. -
Michigan 4-H Advisory Groups 4-H Club By-Laws: Sample Template
Published on November 9, 2017
A well-written set of by-laws will provide a club with direction and structure. In addition it can outline the major functions of the group so that the membership knows the expectations. -
Children and Youth Programming: Developing Civically Engaged Leaders
Published on April 13, 2017
With a goal of ensuring every Michigan child is prepared with the knowledge, tools and skills to lead a healthy and productive life, MSU Extension’s children and youth programming uses the experiential learning model through which children learn best. -
Running an Election
Published on January 9, 2017
Selecting your officers to lead a club, council, committee or board is one of the most important responsibility of a group. -
Effective Committee Meeting - President Helpers Guide
Published on January 9, 2017
A helper's guide to effective committee meetings. -
Parliamentary Procedure: Voting
Published on November 18, 2016
Following is a list of different types of voting and an explanation of where or if they are appropriate along with procedures for voting. -
Parliamentary Procedure FAQ’s Part 2
Published on September 28, 2016
Learn more about parliamentary procedure. -
4-H Life Skills Resources
Published on August 15, 2016
Life skills are a basic foundation that prepare youth for success in life. The goal is that every youth possess the necessary life skills to succeed and lead a productive life. -
Michigan 4-H Advisory Groups: Insuring Cross Representation in By-laws
Published on June 1, 2016
When forming a committee, club or council a strong set of by-laws is a great way to keep the group on target and focused on the mission.