Bus trip activities: What groups can do as the wheels on the bus go “round and round”
Published on May 31, 2019
When planning a long bus ride with youth, it is a good idea to fill some of the time with activities. Activities will make the time go faster, help those on the bus get to know each other, allow leadership skills to develop and keep the group engaged. -
Civic discussions with youth: Graduation requirements
Published on May 31, 2019
Who should decide what classes high school students need to take? -
Michigan 4-H State Awards: The application questions
Published on May 30, 2019
State Awards recognize 4-H members for engaging in rich learning experiences that result in outstanding knowledge and life skill development. Be prepared to answer the application questions. -
How to perfect the sticky wall facilitation tool
Published on May 30, 2019
There are many different facilitation tools that are commonly used to help groups make a decision. This article will explore how to use the “sticky wall.” -
Civic discussions with youth: The gas tax
Published on May 30, 2019
What is a reasonable amount to pay for roads? Who should pay it? -
Failures are as important as successes
Published on May 30, 2019
Adult mentors can help youth reframe failures as learning experiences. -
10 tips for organizing a 4-H youth exchange
Published on May 15, 2019
Youth exchanges build cultural appreciation and life skills. Follow these 10 steps for a successful exchange. -
4-H alumna says leadership isn’t just about being in charge
Published on May 14, 2019
Michigan 4-H student intern and alumna reflects on the different positions in leadership. -
Strong leaders understand and show empathy
Published on May 14, 2019
Showing leadership during difficult times can be challenging. It is important to teach others to exhibit empathy by exhibiting it yourself even when it feels as if it isn’t deserved. -
4-H Capitol Experience wraps up in Lansing
Published on May 14, 2019
Youth experience mock legislative session at 4-H Capitol Experience in Lansing, Michigan.