Funding Opportunities



Request for Proposals (RFP) will be released by May 2024 - check back to this page for exact dates.

A webinar will be scheduled after the release of the RFP to clarify information and/or receive questions. Given the process is competitive, the Management Entity does not reply individually to questions. Instead, a public document – called the Frequently Asked Questions document - will be available on our website. It will list the questions received and provide answers, if applicable, so that all applicants have the same information.

Please consider the details in the Call for Proposals, the Frequently Asked Questions document, and responses given in the public webinar after the release of the RFP, as the definitive answers on requirements to apply.

You can expect a two round competitive process. First, applicants will reply to the Request for Proposals with a Concept Note proposal. A subset of the Concept Notes will be approved and move forward to a second round, in which a full proposal will be requested.

 The specific requirements for submitting a concept note proposal, the types of research partners to include in research proposals, and other details will be released by May.