MSU-4, Impact Assessment of Bean/Cowpea and Dry Grain Pulses CRSP Investments in Research . . .

Michigan State University as lead university

Impact assessment of Bean/Cowpea and Dry Grain Pulses CRSP investments in research, institutional capacity building, and technology dissemination in Africa, Latin America and the U.S.

U.S. PI & Institution and Collaborating Host Countries
Mywish Maredia, Richard Bernsten, and Eric Crawford,  Department of Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan

Collaborating Host Country and U.S. PIs and Institutions:

Byron Reyes, Michigan State University; Jim Beaver (UPR); Juan Carlos Rosas (EAP); Eduardo Peralta (INIAP); Emmanuel Prophete (Haiti); Mathew Blair (CIAT); Ndiaga Cisse (ISRA); Issa Drabo (INERA); Phil Roberts and Jeff Ehlers (UCR)

MSU-4 Workplan FY12.pdf   MSU-4 Workplan FY11.pdf (pdf)

MSU-4 Tech Prog Rpt FY11  MSU-4 Tech Prog Rpt FY10 


  1. To build an inventory of past documented outputs, outcomes and impacts of investments by the Bean/Cowpea CRSP and develop a trajectory of outputs and potential types of impacts of investments made by the Dry Grain Pulses CRS
  2. Conduct ex post impact assessment of Bean/Cowpea and Dry Grain Pulses CRSP Investments in Research, Institutional Capacity Building and Technology Dissemination in Africa, Latin America and the U.S.
  3. Investigate opportunities to integrate baseline data collection and impact evaluation strategies as part of the CRSP project design 

Problem Statement:

Impact assessments are widely recognized to perform two functions--accountability and learning. Greater accountability (and strategic validation) is seen as a prerequisite for continued support for development assistance. Better learning is crucial for improving the effectiveness of development projects and ensuring that the lessons from experience – both positive and negative – are heeded.  Accountability and strategic validation has long been core concerns for ex-post impact assessments. However, as part of the push towards evidence based policy, impact evaluations integrated,ex-ante, in the design of project implementation for the purpose of learning are receiving major attention in international development. The primary focus of this CRSP project is on ex post impact assessment. However, attention is also devoted to finding opportunities to include impact evaluation as part of CRSP projects being implemented in Phase II and III. In addition to measuring and evaluating impacts of past research investments, this project is also concerned with increasing impacts from current investments by examining ‘impact pathways’ of research projects and inculcating an impact culture within the Pulse CRSP research community. 

Target Outputs:

  • The project team has completed the compilation of two databases: a) Database of improved varieties of beans and cowpeas in countries where the Bean/Cowpea CRSP has been historically involved in crop improvement research, and b) the database of socio-economic studies and impact assessments conducted by the DGP (and its predecessor) CRSP to date. The database on improved varieties and the impact studies will be further scrutinized as part of the meta-analysis planned in 2012.
  • The impact pathway analysis for each of the Phase II and III projects is completed. Based on this analysis, the 10 CRSP Phase II and III projects can be grouped into three types—1) projects for which the prognosis for achieving development impacts is positive contingent upon successfully scaling up the application of outputs; 2) projects for which the potential for long-term impacts is low based on their current scope and scale; and 3) projects for which the potential for long-term impacts is uncertain because the realization of the vision of success depends on many factors outside the control of researchers or the scale at which the research is conducted may not generate a critical mass of knowledge/evidence needed to influence major policy decisions (required to achieve the vision of success).
  •  Field research towards two ex post impact assessment studies has been completed. This includes the adoption and impact study on bean improvement research in Central America and Ecuador and cowpea improvement research in Senegal. Past and current research conducted by the Bean/Cowpea and Pulse CRSP on value addition, food science and human nutrition was reviewed with the aim of documenting all the outputs, outcomes and impacts from such investments.