Online Learning

Many organizations offer online learning opportunities. The list below highlights many current lake-related online events. These events welcome lake professionals and the public.


Events Listing

All times Eastern. "$" indicates there may be a cost to participate.

February 12, Noon: Didymo? How about Didy-less. Collaboration and citizen science to combat rock snot in Michigan. Presented by Jordyn Stoll, Michigan Trout Unlimited. Host: Benzie Conservation District.

February 18-20: Annual Invasive Species Forum. Host: Invasive Species Centre.

NEW February 19, 2:00: Aquatic vegetation management: Large lake Eurasian watermilfoil management and Fisheries and aquatic plant response to lake restoration projects in northwest Iowa natural lakes. Presented by Jason Euchner and Mike Hawkins, Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Host: American Fisheries Society, Fisheries Management Section.

February 25, Noon: Road salt: A necessary evil? Presented by Alan Steinman, Annis Water Resources Institute, Grand Valley State University. Host: Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council.

February 26, 10:00 AM: Intro to EGLE - How do you know who, or what, is regulated in your community? Host: Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE).

March 6, 1:00 P.M: Lakeshore development and natural shoreline protection to preserve biotic health. Presented by Mike Isensee and Tom Langer, Carnelian Marine St. Croix Watershed District. Host: Itasca Waters.

March 7, 1:00 PM: Minnesota ice-out forecast for 2025. Presented by John Downing, Minnesota Sea Grant. Host: Itasca Waters.

NEW March 31, 1:00 PM: Rare peatland insects of Michigan. Presented by David Cuthrell and Logan Rowe, Michigan Natural Features Inventory. Host: Michigan Wetlands Association. $

April 2, 6:00 PM: HABs 101: Prevention and management. Presented by Erica Clites, Michigan Sea Grant; Sarah Scheitler, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services; Al Steinman, Grand Valley State University; Marcella Domka, Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council; and H. Dail Laughinghouse, University of Florida. Host: Michigan Sea Grant.

April 3, 1:00 PM: Beaver dams, ponds, and effects. Presented by Emily Fairfax, University of Minnesota. Host: Itasca Waters.

April 29, 10:00 AM: Inland lakes - What you need to know and how EGLE regulates (and doesn't regulate) construction projects on inland lakes. Host: Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE).

May 1, 1:00 PM: Climate change effects on fisheries. Host: Itasca Waters.

May 21, 10:00 AM: Onsite septic systems and Septic Replacement Loan Program. Host: Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy.

June 5, 1:00 PM: Septic health check: A deep dive into inspections and maintenance. Host: Itasca Waters.

July 10, 1:00 PM: Biology and management of starry stonewort. Presented by Dan Larkin, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. Host: Itasca Waters.

August 7, 1:00 PM: Harmful algae blooms and climate change. Presented by Chris Filstrup, University of Minnesota - Duluth. Host: Itasca Waters.

September 4, 1:00 PM: Water and drainage infrastructure in changing climate. Host: Itasca Waters.

October 2, 1:00 PM: Traditional ecological knowledge in lake management. Host: Itasca Waters.

November 6, 1:00 PM: Banded mystery snail effects on lakes. Host: Itasca Waters.

December 4, 1:00 PM: Water wishes for the holidays. Presented by John Downing, Hilarie Sorensen, Sawyer Lorentz, and Holly Ristau, Minnesota Sea Grant. Host: Itasca Waters.


You may also wish to explore these websites for additional events, recordings of past events, and more: 

Michigan Inland Lakes Convention presentation recordings

Michigan Lakes and Streams Association

Michigan State University Extension Center for Lakes and Streams

Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership

North American Lake Management Society

To have your live webinar or virtual event included here, contact us.