Fertilizing Home Lawns to Protect Water Quality
Published on April 2, 2012
The first step in developing a fertilizer program for your lawn is to identify the objectives for the lawn area on your property. Homeowners demand a wide range of functions from their lawns. A guide to fertilizing home lawns to protect water quality. -
Giant Hogweed
Published on April 2, 2012
An attractive but dangerous federal noxious weed. -
Profitability of Converting to Biofuel Crops
Published on April 2, 2012
A comparison of profitability of cellulosic feedstock crops — switchgrass, mixed-species grass, restored prairie, miscanthus and poplar — with corn. -
Michigan Forest Communities - A Field Guide and Reference
Published on April 2, 2012
Forests are the defining natural feature of Michigan's landscape. -
Michigan Snakes - A Field Guide and Pocket Reference
Published on April 2, 2012
Field guide to Michigan's 18 species of snakes, including the state's only venomous snake. Large color photos and text with easy-to-follow symbols for habitat, temperament, reproduction and distribution make this book useful for all ages. -
A Field ID Guide to Invasive Plants
Published on March 26, 2012
This guide features photos and descriptions of 47 invasive plant species. Aquatic and wetland species are included, along with a number of upland species that commonly venture into wetland habitats. -
Published on March 26, 2012
Forest Biomass Innovation Center
Published on March 26, 2012
MSU Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
Published on March 26, 2012
Michigan's Water Withdrawal Tool
Published on March 25, 2012
The Water Withdrawal Assessment Tool (WWAT) is designed to estimate the impact of a water withdrawal on nearby streams and rivers. Use of the WWAT is required of anyone proposing to make a large quantity withdrawal from the waters of the state.