Michigan's Collaborative Stakeholder Initiative: Reinventing the State's Cleanup and Redevelopment Program
Published on March 14, 2012
The Collaborative Stakeholders Initiative (CSI) was undertaken by the State of Michigan, its regulatory agencies and its stakeholders to address long-standing issues associated with Michigan's clean-up and redevelopment programs. -
Simulating Demographic and Socioeconomic Processes on Household Level and Implications for Giant Panda Habitats
Published on June 15, 2001
We developed a household-based, stochastic, and dynamic model that simulates the impacts of household demographic and socioeconomic interactions on fuelwood use, a key factor affecting the quantity and quality of habitats for the giant pandas. -
Comparison of the Eastern Tent Caterpillar, Forest Tent Caterpillar, and Gypsy Moth
Published on May 1, 2001
Gypsy moth, forest tent caterpillars, and Eastern tent caterpillars are often found feeding on the leaves of hardwood trees early in the summer. -
Understanding the sample timber sale contract
A timber sale contract is the most important document involved in conducting a timber sale. A well-prepared contract will help avoid misunderstandings and conflict by all parties.
Summary of Research Related to the Potential Physical and Biological Impacts of Dredging to Channelize the Grand River. Appendices attached.
A Working Paper, May 9 version with appendices added November 22, 2019