CACCI outreach event and PRCI Global Gathering to be held at ISSER in Accra, Ghana

MSU innovation lab will celebrate accomplishments and plan for the future at conference with global partners

Accra, Ghana – The Innovation lab for Food Security Policy Research, Capacity, and Influence (PRCI) is proud to be hosting the 2023 PRCI Global Gathering and CACCI Outreach Event, which will take place in Accra, Ghana from April 25 to April 27, 2023.

The three-day event aims to start planning for the program's final year and celebrate some of the accomplishments under PRCI. Representatives from institutional partners from across the Global South, as well as international policy research institutes, Cornell University, and Michigan State University will come together to exchange knowledge, share best practices, and discuss solutions to promote sustainable growth in the industry.

As part of the PRCI event there will be a CACCI-Ghana outreach event that will be available to the public. The CACCI Outreach event will take place on April 25th, 2:15 GMT. The event will feature a presentation and panel discussions on CACCI support for nations in their implementation of NDC’s and NAPS through technical and analytical support and early experiences with facilitation and implementation in targeted pilot countries.

Register to participate virtually in the CACCI-Ghana outreach event.


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