Career pathways - Exploring business, management, marketing and technology careers

Learn about career options and where the jobs are in this career pathway.

Are you interested in computers, math, marketing or communication classes? Would you describe yourself as organized, detail orientated, a good communicator or a leader? Do you like planning events, keeping records, creating promotion materials or selling things? In your free time, would you enjoy volunteering in an office, working on a computer or preparing a presentation? If you answered yes to some of these questions, then a business, management, marketing or technology career pathway may be right for you.

There are many career options in the business, management, marketing and technology pathway. If you like math, finance and numbers you can be an accountant, financial advisor, bookkeeper or economist. If you like marketing, consider a career in sales, advertising, promotions, public relations or even an entrepreneur. If you like technology, career options include website development, computer programming, software development and network administration.

Are there jobs in this career pathway? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, two occupations in this pathway were listed on the top 20 fastest growing projected careers between 2010-2020. The two occupations are event planning and market research analysts. In addition, several occupations in this pathway were listed as having the most projected job openings in the current decade. Those include retail sales, office clerks, customer service representative, bookkeeping, financial clerks, cashiers, and manufacturing/ wholesale sales representatives.

Can you make money in this career pathway? Of course this depends on your education, experience and the employer. However, nationwide four occupations in this career pathway made it the highest paying list. Top executives, computer and information systems managers, marketing managers and financial managers made the list.

How can a young person get hands on experience exploring business, management, marketing and technology related careers? Michigan State University (MSU) and Michigan State University Extension offer some very unique opportunities by joining 4-H. Through 4-H, a youth can become involved in a wide range of related project areas including business and entrepreneurship, money management, leadership skill development, and computer and digital technology.

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