Enjoying healthy snacks

Snacking should be a regular routine in your day. Learn tips to add healthy snacks to your daily diet.

We know that snacks are an important part of a healthy diet. Our bodies need refueling throughout the day which includes both healthy meals and snacks. Snacks are sometimes thought of as not being good for you if the wrong types of food are offered or chosen at snack time. Snacks should be viewed as “mini-meals.” To make your snack a mini-meal, be sure to include foods from at least two of the MyPlate food groups. Snack tips to consider include:

  • Plan snacks as a part of the day's food plan. Use snack time to be sure you are getting enough daily servings from each of the food groups. Fruits, vegetables, grains, protein and dairy foods all make great snacks. Visit the MyPlate website to determine your specific daily caloric needs to ensure you are reaching your daily needs.
  • When shopping, let children help pick out fruits, vegetables, cheeses, etc. for snacks. Kids are more likely to enjoy foods they have helped choose or prepare.
  • Set aside a "snack spot" in the refrigerator and cupboard, keeping it stocked with nutritious ready-to-eat snacks. Items could include cut up fruits or vegetables, dried fruits, nuts or crackers.
  • Offer snacks at regular times each day, such as mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Having a meal and snack routine will help both kids and adults know what to expect throughout the day.
  • Avoid high sugar, fatty and salty snacks, such as candy and soda pop. Instead choose foods from the MyPlate food groups.
  • Snacks are a good way to introduce new foods. Include a game or activity to learn about the new food and let the child help prepare the food.

Making healthy food choices for snacks has many nutritional benefits for our bodies. Be sure to enjoy healthy snacks every day.

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