GARD Innovation Forum bridges technologies and market needs

Join more than 1,000 Researchers from Around the World in Gathering for 30 Hours to Propose Solutions for Saving Lives and Preventing Future Pandemics Through Global Collaboration

Over 1,000 researchers from more than 30 countries around the globe are already registered and will gather on February 25-26, 2022, for 30 hours at the Global Alliance for Rapid Diagnostics (GARD) Innovation Forum: Bridging Technologies and Market Needs to share ideas on how to sustain all aspects of health (humans, animals, plants, and the environment) through rapid diagnostics. GARD is lead by Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Professor Dr. Evangelyn Alocilja.

The Innovation Forum will begin with opening remarks from Michigan State University President Stanley, Dr Marks, Dr. Alocilja, and Chelsie Boodoo on February 25th. This unique event will focus on antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial stewardship, prevention of future pandemics, nano/micro/bulk plastic and the circular economy, food safety and security, and other cross-cutting issues. The activities span over various time zones, with different continents holding technical sessions while allowing everyone to join at their convenience.

To prevent future pandemics, these researchers from different continents will take turns to lead discussions that will encourage the exchange of ideas and collaboration. With more connected researchers, they can share their techniques and learn more about what is happening outside their local networks. By strengthening international communication, the monitoring of infectious diseases and food security can be enhanced at the grassroots level across borders.

As we share more knowledge, resources, and ideas, the scientific community becomes stronger. This can grow to include the public that this research affects, such as farmers worried about their livestock being infected. This is the beginning of an impactful global collaboration. - Chelsie Boodoo, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Ph.D. Student at Michigan State University

The scientists attending the Innovation Forum will have the opportunity to give presentations, submit posters, have pre-recorded videos, be a part of panels, and network with other researchers. There is also an Innovation Challenge on February 25th, where participants will be assigned in groups. Each group is given a global problem to brainstorm and propose an innovative solution. Then they will present their solution in the form of a 3-minute elevator pitch.

The top teams will win prizes for their elevator pitches. Awards presented by Dr. Kempel will be given to the top 3-minute flash talk presentation done in undergraduate and graduate student categories.

Additionally, participants may also enroll for free in the following short courses: Nanotechnology, Biosensors, R Programming, and Entrepreneurship for Scientists.

Scientists interested in attending can register for free at If you have questions or are interested in sponsoring the event, you can email Chelsie Boodoo at

Website: Visit the Global Alliance for Rapid Diagnostics Website

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