How to locate a MediaSpace embed URL

Step-by-step guide on locating a Mediaspace embed URL.

MediaSpace share screen in browser.

This document will provide instructions on how to locate an Embed URL from a MediaSpace video to use for the Gallery Video content type.

  1. Go to MSU MediaSpace and log in using your netid and password.
  2. Find the video you want to add using the search.
  3. Once you are on the video page find the share tab below the video screen.
  4. Media space embed URL 1
  5. Next, within the share tab, find the Embed tab. Do not get this confused with the oEmbed. They are different things. You want Embed specifically.mediaspace_img2(2)
  6. Next within the share tab, find the Embed tab. Do not get this confused with the oEmbed. They are different things. You want Embed specifically.
  7. meidaspace embed URL 3
  8. Next within the share tab, find the Embed tab. Do not get this confused with the oEmbed. They are different things. You want Embed specifically.

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