Course on “Global Animal Health, Food Safety, and International Trade” begins August 26

Timely discussion topics lined up for IFLR's fall course on Global Animal Health, Food Safety, and International trade. Explore topics like evolving consumer preferences, food safety, and nothing less than the FUTURE OF FOOD!

graphic image of cows

Join other food industry professionals in this class to explore topics like evolving consumer preferences, food safety, and nothing less than the future of food itself!

Topics Covered (subject to change)

  • Shaping of livestock health policy and trade
  • Food safety and the zoonotic pandemic of emerging infections 
  • One Health and global food policy
  • Supply chain issues and animal trade
  • Risk-based trade decisions with open borders
  • Climate change and animal disease 
  • International livestock health standards and standard setting organizations: WOAH, USDA, WTO, WHO, FAO, Codex 
  • Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) and Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreements 
  • Women’s role in livestock health policy and agricultural trade 
  • Animal welfare and global trade policies 
  • Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in animals and humans
  • Meat analogues and cell-cultured meat products 
  • Global pet food challenges 

About the Professor

Dr. Haskell received his DVM, MPVM and PhD, all from the University of California, Davis, received a MS degree from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and is currently completing a postgraduate diploma in Global Health Policy from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He was in large animal practice for 17 years prior to entering academia.

He has written numerous scientific publications and was the primary editor to the industry standard first edition textbook Five Minute Veterinary Consult: Ruminant. He has received several awards including, the California Veterinary Medical Association Practitioner Fellowship Award in Clinical Pathology in 2010 and in the 2011-2012 academic year he was a Visiting Scholar in the Department of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology at the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis. 

Dr. Haskell has worked with a wide variety of global client engagements, covering organizational development, personal engagement, leadership development, management skills, and cooperative development. His international experience includes working with programs and consultancies in 29 countries spanning over 30 years.

Dr. Haskell has many interests that include global veterinary medicine, development and implementation of distance education programs, food safety and security, global water quality issues, global sustainable agriculture systems development, and pre- and post-harvest food safety.

While in education, Dr. Haskell was formerly the Director and a Professor at the Veterinary Technology Program at Yuba College in California. Prior to this position, Dr. Haskell has taught and done livestock disease research at the University of Minnesota, University of Maine, University of Illinois, and University of California. He has worked extensively with international development projects in India, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Nepal, Mali, Guinea, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Egypt, Moldova, Ukraine, Romania, Guatemala, Mexico, Guyana, and Haiti.

Scott R.R. Haskell teaches Global Animal Health, Food Safety, and International Trade (FSC 817) and The Law of the Preventive Controls for Human Food Rule (FSC 852).


Course begins August 26 and ends December 11, 2024. This course is offered each fall semester.


For-credit tuition with MSU Lifelong Learning for the 2024-2025 academic year: Tuition for non-Michigan residents, including international residents, is $3,411.00 USD per 3-credit course. Tuition for Michigan residents is $2,679.00 USD per 3-credit course. Learn more here.

IFLR offers a lower rate of $1,895.00 USD for non-credit registration if you wish to take our courses for "informational purposes only" rather than work toward a certificate or eventual degree. Click here for non-credit enrollment. 

Enrollment Links

Non-MSU students and food industry professionals may enroll for IFLR courses through MSU's Lifelong Education portal.  (Make sure to choose 'first-time user' and then 'NON-DEGREE' from the drop down list on the application.)

Non-credit participant enrollment link here: Click here for non-credit enrollment.

Tips for First Time Enrollees

Additional Info

Click here for a full list of IFLR courses and when they are offered.

Click here to learn more about our online certificate programs.


Please contact Mary Gebbia at with questions about our programs or for help with enrollment.

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