The FCCP, American Forests, and the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science have been awarded a grant from the US Climate Alliance

The MSU Forest Carbon and Climate Program (FCCP) is pleased to announce the award of a United States Climate Alliance (USCA) Grant Program for Natural and Working Lands (NWL).

The MSU Forest Carbon and Climate Program (FCCP) is pleased to announce the award of a United States Climate Alliance (USCA) Grant Program for Natural and Working Lands (NWL) for the project titled "Impacts of Forest Management on Carbon Sequestration and Storage in the Lake States for Climate Change Mitigation". With partners American Forests and the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science (NIACS), this project aims to further the goal of increased carbon sequestration on such lands by enhancing informed policy development to enable states to achieve their commitment to the NWL Challenge.

Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan – neighbors in the Lake States region - contain over 55 million acres of forest land. They have direct management responsibility over nearly 9.6 million acres of state-owned land as well as policy-making influence over industrial lands, conservation areas, and private properties. Additionally, these Lakes States provide significant technical and financial support for forest management on private family- and county-owned land. The Lake States share common forest types and management challenges such as climate change adaptation, deer herbivory, and landscape fragmentation.

This project will help guide Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin towards decisions that optimize forest management for both carbon sequestration and economic benefits on state-managed lands to integrate carbon management into the development and improvement of policies and programs that impact myriad forest ownerships. This project also aims to encourage the inclusion of forests in state-level climate action planning by modeling a range of forest management interventions and assessing the carbon sequestration impacts in forests and harvested wood products (HWP), along with associated economic tradeoffs.

The MSU FCCP is pleased to join this project to support Lake State forest managers and policymakers improve management on their forestlands by integrating carbon values into forest management.


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