Updated Christmas tree weed control bulletin now available

Weed control is critical to success in Christmas tree production.

Cover of Christmas tree guide.

The updated bulletin Weed Control in Christmas Trees (E3237) from Michigan State University Extension is now available for growers. Weed control is often a critical factor in the overall success or failure of a Christmas tree plantation, especially while the trees are young. MSU Extension recommends reviewing this bulletin and implementing a weed management plan prior to and after planting Christmas trees.

Weed Control in Christmas Trees provides information on weed control strategies, including both chemical and non-chemical means of control. Growers who use an integrated approach of combining both principles often have the best weed control success.

For chemical weed control, this guide features information on commonly used herbicides in the industry and how they function, as either a preemergent, post-emergent or both. Detailed information on matching herbicides to weed species, application instructions and modes of actions are also discussed. Growers will be able to learn whether an herbicide is labeled for seedling beds, first year transplants or established plantations as well as species. For growers who apply glyphosate, a list of Christmas tree labeled products is also included to ensure label compliance.

Finally, herbicides can become an environmental hazard. This guide provides information on how pollution can occur and best management practices to safeguard against this outcome.

For management information and upcoming events, sign up to receive MSU Extension’s Christmas tree production newsletter. For general information, visit MSU Extension's Christmas Trees website.

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