Women: Take time for your health

New tips from MyPlate help women make healthy choices.

While many women are balancing careers and families, they notice their daily life has turned into a juggling act of tasks, schedules, errands, home, family and career responsibilities. Many women tend to often focus on ensuring that everyone’s needs and health around them is taken care of and at times might allow their own needs to slip to the bottom of the list. Women in this day-to-day routine need to make good health a priority by taking the time to care for themselves. Looking for a place to begin a new goal and strive for healthier choices? MyPlate’s website is full of great resources and tips to help get started.

MyPlate’s Supertracker allows you to personalize your dietary needs based on your age and physical activity levels. After finding out what your body needs daily for good health, you can track your food consumption and physical activities and begin to monitor how you are doing and identify areas for improvement.

Michigan State University Extension recommends incorporating additional tips for making better health choices:

  • Limit portion sizes: Use a smaller plate at meals to help control the amount of food and calories you eat. Take time to enjoy smaller amounts of food.
  • Fill half your plate with fruits and veggies: Add fruit to meals as part of main or side dishes. Choose red, orange or dark green vegetables like tomatoes, sweet potatoes and broccoli, along with other vegetables for meals.
  • Get moving: Schedule time for physical activity. Set a goal to fit in at least 30 minutes of activity daily.
  • Recipe makeovers: Find and try healthier recipes that use less solid fat, salt and sugar. Eat at home more often so you can control what you are eating.
  • Make half your grains whole grains: Choose whole grains like brown rice, whole-grain pastas and breads more often. Foods with high fiber content provide many nutrients to your body and can help with weight management. Be sure to read the nutrition facts labels to ensure the products are whole grains.

As busy as daily life can be, women who take the time to commit to their own good health will allow them to be healthy role models for their families, and contribute to successful careers. Find more tips for women’s health as MyPlate shares Make Better Food Choices Tips for Women’s Health.

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