Henry (Rique) Campa III, Ph.D.

Henry (Rique) Campa III

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University Distinguished Professor; Senior Associate Dean, Graduate School



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Joint Appointment with the MSU Graduate School

Areas of Expertise:

Wildlife habitat analysis and management; wildlife nutrition; habitat disturbance impacts; ecosystem management


Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1989
M.S., Michigan State University, 1982
B.S., University of Missouri Columbia, 1978

Research Interests:

  • Wildlife-habitat interactions
  • The effects of disturbances on wildlife species, communities, and populations
  • Ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation
  • The career and professional development of graduate students
  • Ecological contributions of green roofs for conserving wildlife in urban landscapes
  • Influence of white-tailed deer herbivory on bird communities and their habitat at the Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge
  • Assessing bovine tuberculosis interactions between wildlife and livestock management strategies
  • Modeling vaccination and targeted removal of white-tailed deer in Michigan for bovine tuberculosis control
  • FAST-Future Academic Scholars in Teaching: A high-engagement development program for future STEM faculty
  • The CIRTL Network: Shaping, connecting, supporting the future national STEM faculty
  • Modeling cumulative effects of aspen management practices on wildlife species, communities, and habitat suitability at multiple spatial scales
  • Quantifying elk movement patterns, social interactions with white-tailed deer, and estimating the population size and demographics in Michigan

Example Projects:

Courses Taught:

  • Fundamentals of Fisheries and Wildlife Ecology and Management, FW101
  • Upland Ecosystem Management, FW410

Publication Profiles:

MSU Scholar Profile

Selected Publications:

(* = peer-reviewed)

*PREVOST, L.B., C.E. VERGARA, M. URBAN-LURAIN, and H. CAMPA, III. 2017.  Evaluation of a high-engagement teaching program for STEM graduate students: outcomes of the FAST-Future Academic Scholars in Teaching Fellowship Program. Innovative Higher Education. DOI 10.1007/s10755-017-9407-x; http://rdcu.be/um9G.

*HILEMAN, E.T., R.B. KING, J.M. ADAMSKI, T.G. ANTON, R.L. BAILEY, S.J. BAKER, N.D. BIESER, T.A. BELL JR., K.M. BISSELL, D.R. BRADKE, H. CAMPA, III, ET AL. 2017.  Climatic and geographic predictors of life history variation in eastern massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus): a range-wide synthesis. PLOSONE http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0172011.

*HULINA, J.T., C. BOCETTI, H. CAMPA, III, V. HULL, W. YANG, and J. LIU.  2017.  Telecoupling framework for research on migratory species in the Anthropocene.  Elementa Science of the Anthropocene 5: https://doi.org/10.1525/elementa.184.

*HUMMEL (LONGSTAFF). S., H. CAMPA, III, A. LOCHER, and S.R. WINTERSTEIN.  2016.  Spatial quantification of white-tailed deer habitat in a wetland-dominated landscape. Michigan Academician XLIII: 393-409.

*LAVELLE, M., S. KAY, K. PEPIN, D. GREAR, H. CAMPA, III, and K. VERCAUTEREN.  2016. Evaluating wildlife-cattle contact rates to improve the understanding of dynamics of bovine tuberculosis transmission in Michigan, USA.  Preventive Veterinary Medicine 135:28-36.

*EAKIN, C., H. CAMPA, III, D. LINDEN, G. ROLOFF, D.B. ROWE, and J. WESTPHAL.  2015.  Avian response to green roofs in urban landscapes in the Midwestern U.S. Wildlife Society Bulletin 39:574-582.

*KELLER, B., R.A. MONTGOMERY, H. CAMPA, III, D.E. BEYER, JR., S.R. WINTERSTEIN, L.P. HANSEN, and J.J. MILLSPAUGH.  2015.  A review of vital rates and cause-specific mortality of elk (Cervus elaphus) in Eastern North America. Mammal Review 45:146-159.

*LAVALLE, M.J., H. CAMPA, III, K. LeDOUX, P.J. RYAN, J.W. FISCHER, K.M. PEPIN, C.R. BLASS, M.P. GLOW, S.E. HYGNSTROM, and K.C. VerCAUTEREN.  2015.  White-tailed deer response to exclusion from stored cattle feed in Michigan, USA. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 121:159-164.

*CAMPA, H., III and A. LOCHER.  2014.  Interviewing strategies and tactics for success. Pages 245-250 in W. Taylor, A.J. Lynch, and N.J. Leonard, editors. Future of fisheries: perspectives for emerging professionals. American Fisheries Society Press. Bethesda, Maryland.

*CARTER, N., A. VINA, H. CAMPA, III, and J. LIU.  2013.  Assessing spatiotemporal changes in tiger habitat across different land management regimes.  Ecosphere. 4:art124. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/ES13-00191.1

*VERGARA, C., M. URBAN-LURAIN, H. CAMPA, III, K.S. CHERUVELIL, D. EBERT-MAY, C. FATA-HARTLEY, and K. JOHNSTON. 2013.  FAST-Future Academic Scholars in Teaching: A High Engagement Development Program for Future STEM Faculty. Innovative Higher Education 39:93-107.

*BAILEY, R.L., H. CAMPA, III, T.M. HARRISON, and K. BISSELL. 2012. Resource selection by the eastern massasauga rattlesnake on managed land in southwestern Michigan. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:414-421.

*COSGROVE, M.K., H. CAMPA, III., S. SCHMITT, D. RAMSEY, and D. O'BRIEN. 2012. Modeling vaccination and targeted removal of white-tailed deer in Michigan for bovine tuberculosis control. Wildlife Society Bulletin 36:676-684. DOI: 10.1002/wsb.217.

*COSGROVE, M.K., H. CAMPA, III, S.M. SCHMITT, D.R. MARKS, A.S. WILSON, and D.J. O’BRIEN. 2012. Live-trapping and bovine tuberculosis testing of free-ranging white-tailed deer for targeted removal. Wildlife Research. Click herefor a link.

*HELM, M., H. CAMPA, III, and K. MORETTO. 2012. Professional socialization for the Ph.D.: An exploration of career and professional development preparedness and readiness for Ph.D. candidates. Journal of Faculty Development 26:5-23.

*CAMPA, H., III, S.J. RILEY, S.R. WINTERSTEIN, T.L. HILLER, S.A. LISCHKA, and J.P. BURROUGHS. 2011. Changing landscapes for white-tailed deer management in the 21st century: parcelization of landownership and evolving stakeholder values in Michigan. Wildlife Society Bulletin 35:168-176.

*BAILEY, R.L, H. CAMPA, III, T.M. HARRISON, and K. BISSELL. 2011. Survival and cause-specific mortality of eastern massasauga rattlesnakes (Sistrurus catenatus catenatus) in Michigan. Herpetologica 67:167-173.

*LINDEN, D., H. CAMPA, III, G. ROLOFF, D.E. BEYER, Jr., and K.F. MILLENBAH. 2011. Modeling habitat potential for Canada lynx in Michigan. Wildlife Society Bulletin 35:20-26.

ROLOFF, G.J., and H. CAMPA, III. 2011. Peer review in support of wildlife management. The Wildlife Professional 5:48-49 (continued on other pages).

*WALSH D.P., H. CAMPA, III, D.E. BEYER, JR., and S.R. WINTERSTEIN. 2011. Measurement error and survey design in sightability model development. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:1228-1235.

* FELIX-LOCHER, A.B., and H. CAMPA, III. 2010. Ecological properties of forest habitat types to support aspen communities for timber and wildlife management objectives. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 27:13-20.

*FELIX-LOCHER, A.B., and H. CAMPA, III. 2010. Importance of habitat type classifications for predicting ruffed grouse use of areas for drumming. Forest Ecology and Management 259:1464-1471.

*FELIX-LOCHER, A.B., H. CAMPA, III, and D.E. BEYER, Jr. 2010. Modeling avian community use of aspen following simulated harvest in Michigan. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Restoration 6:111-133.

HELM, M., L.C. MASON, J. STODDART, and H. CAMPA, III. 2010. Plan your work and work your plan. Essential career competencies for Ph.D.s. Michigan State University, Graduate School. Michigan State University Board of Trustees. East Lansing Michigan.

*HILLER, T.L., J. PUSTERI BURROUGHS, H. CAMPA, III, M.K. COSGROVE, B.A. RUDOLPH, and A.J. TYRE. 2010. Sex-age selectivity and correlates of capture for winter-trapped white-tailed deer. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:564-572.

RYAN, M.R., and H. CAMPA, III. 2010. Expanding competencies to expand capacity for doctoral and post-doctoral students in preparation for diverse careers in life sciences. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, Ghent University 75:39-41.

AUSTIN, A.E., H. CAMPA, III, C. PFUND, D.L. GILLIAN-DANIEL, R. MATHIEU, and J. STODDART. 2009. Preparing STEM doctoral students for future faculty careers. Pages 83-95 in R. Baldwin, editor. Improving the climate for undergraduate teaching and learning in STEM fields. New directions in teaching and learning. Jossey-Bass. San Francisco, California (Invited Chapter)