Jeremy Hartsock, Ph.D.

Jeremy Hartsock

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Academic Specialist - Outreach


Areas of Expertise:

Lake ecology; wetland ecology; plant community monitoring and management of freshwater ecosystems; aquatic invasive species; bryology; ecological restoration; science communication


Ph.D., Plant Biology, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 2020
M.S., Biological Sciences, Villanova University, 2013
B.S., Plant Biology, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 2010


I am a wetland/ aquatic ecologist and Outreach Educator in the Institute of Water Research and Department of Fisheries and Wildlife. The majority of my work is focused on characterizing inland lake aquatic plant communities, reporting aquatic invasive species detections, lake management, and improving the knowledge of decision makers to make sound water management decisions. Key partners in these efforts include Michigan State University Extension (MSUE), the Michigan Departments of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE); Natural Resources (DNR); and the US Forest Service. My main project is focused on determining the status of aquatic macrophyte communities in inland lakes throughout the state of Michigan.


Limnology (FW472)