Maggie Magoon

Maggie Magoon

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Immunization Health Extension Specialist
MSU Extension



Ph.D. - Educational Psychology-Adolescent Development, Indiana University
M.P.H. – Central Michigan University
M.S. – Counseling and Counselor Education, Indiana University
B.A. – Psychology, Purdue University

Maggie Magoon, Ph.D., serves as the Health Immunization Extension Specialist in MSU Extension’s Health and Nutrition Institute’s Michigan Vaccine Project. As part of the project’s leadership team, she has statewide responsibilities as a content specialist; assists in reviewing, editing, and writing materials; develops and implements evaluation tools and reports results; collaborates across teams; provides staff training; and serves as a liaison to the MSU Physician Peer Education Project on Immunization, among other responsibilities.

Before joining MSU Extension, Dr. Magoon most recently taught at Alma College, coordinated the federal TRIO program at Mid Michigan College (Mid), and served as Dean of Health Sciences at Mid for eight years. Prior to that, she worked with Extension at Purdue University and The Ohio State University, as well as working with at-risk youth in community mental health and the juvenile justice system. She has provided evaluation consultation in several positions, most recently for the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe’s Annual Opioid Summit.