Matthew Faust

Matthew Faust

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Ph.D. Student



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  • M.Sc. 2011. Natural Resources (Fisheries), University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point
  • B.Sc. 2009.  Biology, University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire


I grew up in Madison, Wisconsin and spent my summers in northern Wisconsin fishing for northern pike and largemouth bass with my family, which is what initially got me interested in fisheries management. I studied biology at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, where I had the opportunity to work on research projects ranging from juvenile coho salmon foraging behavior in Lake Superior to red-naped sapsucker nest site choice in the Rocky Mountains. I received my MSc degree from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, where I studied muskellunge age and growth and how exploitation from recreational angling and tribal spearing fisheries affected population size structure in northern Wisconsin. After graduate school, I worked for the Great Lakes Fishery Commission, where I helped to administer the Science Program’s Sea Lamprey and Fishery Research Programs. Currently, I am a fisheries biologist with Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife at the Sandusky Fisheries Research Station, where my duties are primarily focused on the management of Lake Erie’s walleye and yellow perch fisheries. I also am involved with several ongoing acoustic telemetry studies aimed at improving fisheries managers’ understanding of the spatial ecology of native and non-native fishes.  


My research will be focused on understanding how fish movement can inform management, along with examining how either changes in long-term survey data or the addition of new surveys impact performance of stock assessment models, using Lake Erie walleye as a case study.

Selected Publications:

Faust, M.D., C.S. Vandergoot, T.O. Brenden, R.T. Kraus, T. Hartman, and C.C. Krueger. 2019. Acoustic telemetry as a potential tool for mixed-stock analysis of fishery harvest: a feasibility study using Lake Erie walleye. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76: 1019-1030.

Faust, M.D., C.S. Vandergoot, E. Hostnik, T.R. Binder, J.L Mida Hinderer, J.T. Ives, and C.C. Krueger. 2017. Use to electricity to sedate lake trout for intracoelomic implantation of electronic transmitters. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37: 768–777.

Faust, M.D., and M.J. Hansen. 2016. Effects of consumption-oriented versus trophy-oriented fisheries on muskellunge population size structure in northern Wisconsin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36: 1336–1346.

Faust, M.D., D.A. Isermann, M.A. Luehring, and M.J. Hansen. 2015. Muskellunge growth potential in northern Wisconsin: implications for trophy management. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35: 765–774.

Faust, M. D., J. Breeggemann, S. Bahr, and B. Graeb. 2013. Precision and bias of cleithra and sagittal otoliths used to estimate ages of northern pike. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 4: 332–341.