Pat Lederle

Pat Lederle

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Adjunct Associate Professor


Retired Planning and Adaptation Supervisor, Michigan DNR

Biography: Pat retired from the Wildlife Division of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources after serving for nearly 20 years in research, planning and administrative positions.  He has led efforts on change management, strategic planning, and alignment of resources to help ensure successful implementation of plans and fulfillment of public trust responsibilities.  Pat has a MS from the University of Minnesota and a BS and PhD from MSU, is a Certified Wildlife Biologist, is Past President of the North Central Section of the Wildlife Society and served as the North Central Representative to The Wildlife Society Council.  Prior to working for Michigan DNR, Pat was involved with research on ecological impacts from Department of Energy’s Yucca Mountain Project, a proposed nuclear waste repository, and spent more than ten years in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan running a comprehensive research project evaluating the impacts of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields on birds and mammals.