Seth Herbst

Seth Herbst

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Adjunct Assistant Professor


Fisheries Biologist - Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator, Michigan DNR

Biography: Dr. Seth Herbst has been the Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Coordinator for the Michigan Department of Natural Resources - Fisheries Division since the inception of the position in 2014. As the AIS Coordinator he collaborates with multiple state and federal agencies as well as numerous universities to address high priority invasive species issues, such as invasive carp prevention and early detection and response actions.  Seth has been part of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Invasive Carp team that has worked collaboratively to prevent the introduction of bighead, silver, and black carps to the Great Lakes and to address grass carp concerns in Lake Erie. He is an active member of numerous regional AIS Committees in the Great Lakes region, such as the Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee (ACRCC) and the Grass Carp Committee of the Great Lakes Panel for Aquatic Nuisance Species. His professional interests are in management and ecology of freshwater fishes, with an emphasis on invasive species, community ecology and population dynamics.