Yang Mi Kim

Yang Mi Kim

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Instructor, Landscape Architecture


Masters: Master of landscape architecture from Texas A&M University.

Professor Yang Mi Kim is an instructor of landscape architecture in the School of Planning, Design and Construction at Michigan State University. She received her Master of Landscape Architecture from Texas A&M University. Before Kim joined MSU, she worked in the Department of Environmental Planning & Design in the Environmental Development Division at Samsung Everland Inc., South Korea, as a landscape architect for five years. She is also an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning (LAUP) at TAMU. Kim received a teaching pedagogy grant ($75,000) to develop online digital communication courses from TAMU, and her online course materials have been offered to both undergraduate and graduate degree programs in the landscape architecture and urban planning fields. She is currently teaching introductory landscape architecture design studios and digital design communication courses at SPDC.