Zhimeng Jiang

Zhimeng Jiang

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Zhimeng Jiang is a visiting scholar at the Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability (CSIS) at Michigan State University (MSU). With a background in Geographical Information Systems, his expertise lies in spatial planning and environmental optimization. His doctoral research, completed at Central China Normal University, focused on the multi-scale couplings of social-ecological systems and the exploration of optimization pathways through big data in the context of global changes.

Currently, at MSU, under the mentorship of Professor Jianguo "Jack" Liu, Zhimeng's research is directed towards unraveling critical issues within global human-natural system, with an emphasis on sustainable development. His visit to CSIS is marked by a dedicated effort to gain deeper insights into system integration and the telecoupling framework.

Zhimeng's future research interests are geared towards revealing the intricate and often hidden connections among diverse aspects of the human-natural system. Zhimeng hopes to have more like-minded partners to study with and support in the future.