Module 40: Mapping Market Accessibility using QGIS


This training module is part II of the QGIS training. This module contains a video recording of the training session, PDF instructions from part I training, PDF slides, and a data descriptor paper. In this training session, English-to-French interpretation is available. Once you access the recording, you can click the "Interpretation" icon (right next to "Speed") in the meeting controls and select the language (English or French) you would like to hear. You can also view a transcript by selecting "CC transcript." Please access the training video on your computer. The training took place on October 17, 2023.

Before watching the training video in this module, we encourage you to complete the preparation steps in the PDF document provided by the part I training on "Introduction to Desktop GIS with QGIS (module 36)."

This training sessions in modules 36 and 40 were supported by the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy, Research, Capacity, and Influence (PRCI) as well as the capacity-sharing component of the CGIAR Research Initiative on Digital Innovation.

The topics covered in this training session include:

1. Introduction to the accessibility indicators

2. Downloading the accessibility indicators from the data repository

3. Importing the accessibility indicators to QGIS

4. Overlaying the administrative boundaries on the accessibility indicators

5. Calculating the zonal statistics of the accessibility indicators

6. Making a map of the accessibility indicators


Jawoo Koo (IFPRI), Nicole Mason-Wardell (MSU), Veronique Theriault (MSU), Yeyoung Lee (MSU)

Begin Module