ASPIRES First Work Plan May 1, 2016 – September 30, 2016


The Agricultural Sector Policy and Institutional Reform Strengthening (ASPIRES) Program took effect from May 1, 2016 following approval from USAID/Tanzania and the execution of the Modification of Assistance Award AID-OAA-L-13-00001. The goal of the program is to accelerate the adoption in Tanzania of more effective policies and programs to drive broad-based agricultural sector growth, improved household food security and nutrition, and reduced poverty. ASPIRES will pursue this goal by: a) promoting increased use of empirical evidence and sound economic analysis in agricultural policy decision-making and program design; and b) promoting a more sustainable, inclusive, predictable, and transparent policy-making process. The broad areas of activity that will contribute to the delivery of the program goal, as indicated in the proposal (now approved as ASPIRES), include:

1) Collaborative policy research and outreach, combined with active policy advisory and coordination activities; the former is tied more directly to specific research and thus will take a thematic focus, while the latter will draw from research but focus on particular policy initiatives;

2) Strengthening the capacity of GOT staff in agricultural policy analysis through in-service training and mentoring in the course of active participation in collaborative research, combined with selected formal training; and

3) Strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries (MALF) to collect, analyze and use timely market information

These activities are spread across 36 months beginning May 1, 2016. For this first 5 month workplan (May 1, 2016 to September 30, 2016) we have adapted the Proposed Activity Calendar from the approved ASPIRES proposal, adding two columns that indicate what will be carried out during this period. Consistent with that original Proposed Activity Calendar, this workplan is a consolidated workplan that includes all activities linked to ASPIRES and managed out of its office, but paid for by other funding (SIIL and GISAIA).


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