Plant Disease Notes

Primary author listed first, * denotes if the publication is peer-reviewed. †denotes Products Authored or Coauthored by Undergraduate Student Mentees. ††denotes Products Authored or Coauthored by Graduate Student Mentees †††denotes Products Authored or Coauthored by Postdoctoral Advisees. Bold indicates Timothy Miles.
- *Havill, J., Hatlen, R. ††, Muehlbauer, G., Miles, T. First report of halo blight on hop (Humulus lupulus) caused by Diaporthe humulicola in Minnesota. Plant Dis. (in First Look) (PDN)
- *Hatlen, R. ††, Swift, R.†, Miles, L., Byrne, J., Miles, T. First report of Colletotrichum fioriniae infecting Humulus lupulus in Michigan. Plant Dis. (in First Look) (PDN)
- *Heger, L. ††, Giraud, D.†, Miles, L., Byrne, J., Miles, T. First report of Neofusicoccum ribis causing stem blight and dieback of blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) in Michigan. Plant Dis. (in First Look). (PDN)
- *Hatlen, R. ††, Higgins, D., Venne, J., Rojas, J.A., Hausbeck, M., Miles, T. First report of halo blight of hop (Humulus lupulus) caused by Diaporthe humulicola in Quebec, Canada. Plant Dis. 106 1750. (PDN)
- *Tsuchida, C.T., Mauzey, S. J., Hatlen, R.†, Miles, T.D., Koike, S.T. 2018. First report of Pythium root rot caused by Pythium mastophorum on Parsley in the United States. Plant Dis. 102: 1671. (PDN)
- *Shands, A.C.†, Crandall, S.G.†††, Ho, T., Miles, T.D. First report of leaf rust on southern highbush blueberry caused by Thekopsora minima in California. Plant Dis. 102:1171. (PDN)
- *Shands, A.C.†, Crandall, S.G.†††, Miles, T.D. First report of leaf rust on California blackberry (Rubus ursinus) caused by Kuehneola uredinis in California. Plant Dis. 102:682. (PDN)
- *Shands, A.C.†, Crandall, S.G.†††, and Miles, T.D. First report of the ability of Olpidium virulentus to vector Blueberry Mosaic Associated Virus (BlMaV) on southern highbush blueberry in California. Plant Disease 101:1683. (PDN)
- *Shands, A.C.†, Yamagata, J.†, Wright, A., and Miles, T.D. First report of Phytophthora cinnamomi causing root rot of southern highbush blueberry in California. Plant Disease 100: 537. (PDN)
- *Cerda, J.†, and Miles, T.D. First report of leaf rust caused by Uromyces probus on Sisyrinchium bellum in California. Plant Disease 100: 523. (PDN)
- *Miles, T.D., Woodhall, J., Miles, L.A. and Wharton, P.S. 2013. First report of a binucleate Rhizoctonia (AG-A) from potato stems infecting potatoes and sugar beets in the Pacific Northwest. Plant Disease 97: 1657. (PDN)
- *Miles, T.D., Fairchild, K., Kirk, W., and Wharton, P.S. 2013. First report of boscalid and penthiopyrad-resistant isolates of Alternaria solani causing early blight of potato in Michigan. Plant Disease 97: 1655. (PDN)
- *Sadowsky, J., Miles, T.D. and Schilder, A.M.C. 2011. First report of stem rot caused by Calonectria colhounii (anamorph: Cylindrocladium colhounii) on greenhouse-grown blueberries in the United States. Plant Disease 95:187. (PDN)
- *Schilder, A.M.C. and Miles, T.D. First report of blueberry leaf rust caused by Thekopsora minima on Vaccinium corymbosum in Michigan. Plant Disease 95: 768. (PDN)
- *Miles, T.D., Woelk, C., Rojas, A., and Schilder, A.M.C. 2011. First report of Pythium root rot in blueberry in the United States. Plant Disease 95: 614. (PDN)
- *Miles, T.D., and Schilder, A.M.C. 2009. First report of grape root rot caused by Roesleria subterranea on grapes in Michigan. Plant Disease 93: 765. (PDN)