Building Value in your 4-H club

February 28, 2023

Keep your club alive and thriving. This video recording focuses on the key components of creating a club environment and how that leads to positive outcomes including: setting the stage for meetings, balancing fun/business/and learning, characteristics for success, and the importance of recognition.

Video Transcript

So welcome to the first of the Michigan for each volunteer webinar series for 2023. This one is focusing on building the value of your four H club. This evening I have Michelle Neff and myself, Christine Heverly here to present the topic. I'm an extension educator based in Clinton County and my focus is on volunteer training and volunteer management. And for each exploration days, I have Michelle with me and I'll let her give a quick introduction also. Hi, Welcome everyone. My name is Michelle Now, if I am housed out of the Clare county office in Northern Michigan, I am the District Six supervising educator, so I hope program coordinators in the Central Michigan area do support them. I also do exploration days as well as club development and that's why I'm here today to help talk a little bit about bringing that value to forage clubs. So as we talk about bringing the value to the forage club, we're really going to look at how to set the stage for the meetings, balancing the fun of business and learning part of the meetings, characteristics for success at the meetings, the importance of building recognition within the meeting. At MSU Extension, we fully believe in the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion. We know that human differences enrich our lives and work. Our lives, work in community. We embrace the responsibility to be resources for all that are committed to providing programs to all segments of our community is also important to understand the longstanding history of the legacy of colonialism that brought us all to reside on this land and seek an understanding are placed within the history and the land. Acknowledgment on the screen is one step in that process. I will be putting into the chat here in a minute. A quick demographics like part of our work is to ensure that we're meeting all different, meeting all the populations that we can throughout the state. So we do have a quick little demographic survey that we would ask you to please complete if you're comfortable to share so we can report out the demographics that we're serving through our programming. So it'll take you a quick minute to fill that out. And we will keep going with the content. So this is the first part of a webinar series that we were doing all through 2023. There'll be different topics throughout the year. There's a topic in March that's about creating a welcoming for each club. And then April we're covering in advertising your forage club meetings. And then those dates are already sat in those registration links out for those and in the follow-up e-mail that I'll be spending tomorrow, I will include that information for the registration and all of those. There's also going to be a webinar within September, October, and November. September, we're going to look at spice up your for-each experiences with forage resources. October, we're going to look at helping youth find their spark. Then in November, we're going to look at youth engagement and forage experiences. If you attend to four of the webinars throughout the year and one of the live options and will always have a noon option and a 07:00 P.M. option. You'll receive a certificate at the end. Also, we are recording all of the webinars and the links will be posted on the same website where you can register. You can always go back and watch and learn the information. So to help us get started, we're going to start with a quick little icebreaker and I want you to take a moment to type into the chat. Why do you volunteer with foreach? So we have that. I love that for each helps kids explore such a wide variety of interests. It's a great way to give back to an organization that gave me so much growing up. I like working with members to teach them skills. As a teacher, I know the value of skills that they can learn. The positive experiences for kids. There are so many, those are all great reasons on why we volunteer with foreach. It's someone's first year and I want to share the font of raising chickens. I love working with kids. I think those are all the things we come to volunteer with four H because we want to share knowledge with kids. We have the experiences growing up in the forage. We know the skills they can learn. And it helps us want to do this and share our passions with others. And that is so exciting to hear from all of you. You've already hit on it. There's this huge difference for each does make a difference. There are so many different opportunities that youth can choose to engage in VR experiences. They can play sports, they can be involved in a lot of other youth organizations. They can do school activities, they can do baseball, they can do girl scouts, boy scouts, all these different things. But there is a difference with for each, for each does have a difference. The first thing is that for each is focused on life skills. We really are about helping youth learn those life skills. They get to do learn those life skills through different projects and through hands-on experiences. But it's those skills of communications responsibility. Problem-solving, decision-making. Those skills that they can carry with them beyond their forage experiences that come into impact them later. I know that both Michelle and I can talk about the life skills that we learn through for age. We remember our projects. I know one of my big projects was basket weaving and I can talk about how I made baskets, but it was the responsibility I learned through my basket weaving. It was the time management. I learned through that. It's the decision-making, it was the problem-solving. Those are the skills that continued to help me throughout my life. The next thing is forages, a hands-on experience. It's all a hands-on approach to really help youth grow through their confidence, their independence, resilience. Use git to build, do things with their hands that let them learn from their failures experiences and their, and their positive experiences. So it's all in that hands-on experience. And it focuses on that whole positive youth development. We're helping, helping youth go up with a focus on positive youth development through their competence, their competence, their character, their caring, and their connections. So it's that difference and that doesn't, not every, not every youth opportunity has these opportunities. And the final thing is that it's grounded in research. It's backed by all the Cooperative Extension systems across the country. And it provides volunteers and use an opportunity to gain skills that is backed and research and best practices to ensure that we're providing the best opportunities for youth to grow and learn. I'm going to put into the chat to resources that help you think about that whole for age difference. And they'll also be shared in the follow-up e-mail. So the other part of as we look at the forage club impact on youth is that high-quality for each program settings provide you with a place to belong, matter, and explore their personal spark. High-quality settings foster developmental relationships with youth, relationships that express care, challenge growth, and share power. These components help ensure that forage programs provide a nourishing place, were used, belong and grow. When we look at it for each gives you that opportunity to find that spark, that thing they're super excited about and interested and just explore it. Because within foreach, you can make anything be your project and components. You can decide its chickens. You can really dig in to really grow with that chicken. But through all that, spark lots and create actions and provides use fuel. It allows them an enhanced to grow their personal networks before each also gives them a place to belong. When you think about the ages and stages of use, they get to a point where they'd rather spend time with their peers and do those things well for H is an opportunity that we can build their spark, but also give them a place to belong with other people who have similar sparks or similar interests. They get to spend time with their peers. They get to build relationships and again to grow. It also gives those opportunities to build relationships with other peers, but also build relationships with adult. For each volunteer mentors who can help foster those life skills development. And then four H's, that whole engagement piece. We want you to be actively involved in their engagement. They're the ones making the decisions about what projects they might wanna do and all of those pieces. And so through four h, they really can have that spark belonging, relationship, and engagement. All-in-one. Michelle, you're muted. Sorry. Okay. So I want to talk about belonging and part of the excitement. We go. Yes, we went back by accident. I don't know that I have control. So are you going back to me? Okay. Thank you. Sorry. Okay. So bridge clubs really have that sense of belonging. And really what we're going to talk about is how we can, as, you know, as volunteers, make sure that when a kid comes to forage club, they have that sense of belonging in that club. So for each clubs should help youth and families have that sense of feeling of a larger family or a larger group. Whether it's just here locally in their community because there's a forage program in each county in the state of Michigan or whether that's the forage program across the state, across the nation because nationwide, four H's are humongous organization who reaches a lot of kids. Plus worldwide there are forage programs and other countries. And so we want to make sure that when a kid is part of forage, they feel that they belong, they really belong at for each clubs should really be a safe place for youth to feel welcomed and a sense of belonging to this organization that really cares about their development, cares about themselves. We want them to invite friends, we want them to feel welcome. We want them to bring other people, and we want them to have some positive experiences so that they encourage other kids to get involved and really have fun in their development and grow and learning their new, the new skills that they like. One way for us to help them develop that belonging is to really, as far as leaders, we need to get to know our members. And we use, you do that by getting using our names, using their names every time they come to a meeting, calling their name, getting to know them, asking them questions, how is their project doing? Have they got any animals yet? How are they doing in school? Are they doing anything fun outside of forage, those type of questions that you can ask your kids, your forage club are going to help develop them. Feel, hey, I have a connection to the adults in my, in my club. I feel welcomed here because I'm generally generally you are concerned and questions about or care about what they are into and what they're involved in. So really when we think about for each clubs, we want our clubs to have that sense of I belong to something. I belong to a great organization. I belong to this group of caring adults and other kids were carrying part of their group. So what we're gonna do in our right now we're going to use the chat feature in the webinar. So if they're at the bottom of your screen, you should have this little chat, a little bubble. We're going to use that too. We're gonna do what's called a waterfall chat. Chat. And I'm going to give you a question and then you're going to type the answer, but you're not going to hit enter yet. You're just going to type the answer in there. And when I say go, everybody is going to hit Enter at the same time and everybody's answer will come in the chat at the same time. It's called the waterfall yet. So how do you get to know the members of your for-each club in the chat, if you could type in, How do you get to know the numbers in your for-each club and help that sense of belonging. How do you then when I say go, I'm gonna give a couple more, another minute or so. When I say go, hit Enter and then all the answers will be in chat at the same time. Okay? Why don't we go okay. We all come in at once. Okay. Stories. I missed a few. We make eye contact and learn each person's name. We talked to them. We ask questions and listen by doing projects together, breeding them at the door. Funny stories. I just talked to them. I watched them at their sport or their sports events. By learning what they do outside the club and what they do in their club projects and how we can connect them. Those are all great, great ways to help that sense of belonging and sense of togetherness. That's awesome. Thanks for sharing. Share a resource that Michelle, that will help you out in general with the how to do that on belonging. It's an article that's out there for you. Thanks, Christine. Okay. So the next little bit of their training was we're really going to talk about meetings for each club meetings and how our meetings are really a key to help building that sense of belonging. And really when we think about forage clubs, sports clubs need to meet, they need to come together. Every club is gonna be different. Some meat might meet weekly, monthly. Some meat might be less frequently. But really, it's important that a forage club has meetings so that we have that sense of belonging. So the kids come and they see that the club has things like goals and they want to accomplish something and that they have that feeling of having to an organ. I'm coming to this for each group who is, has had some vision of where they're doing projects that they're working on and that they're part of this organ is this bigger organization. So when you think about a board meeting, what is the most important part of a for each meeting, we're going to put up a poll and we want you to respond to what is the most important part. For each meeting, you should have a screen that pops up with that question. And you have a little bit of time to answer that question. Actually, it's a multiple choice so you can pick more than one. But what is the most important part of a for each meeting? I'd give it another. They're 80. Yeah. Have you have completed it, so I'm gonna give it another ten, 5 s, and then we'll end the poll and Michelle will talk through the results. Okay, So of the people that are on who produced the painted, we have. 100% feel like the most important part of educational or a for-each called meeting is really the educational learning. So many people on things, so that is the most important. There is a little bit or one person who suggested that the business is important part of the meeting. And then there was a little bit of of saying that recreational isn't the important part, the most important part of the meeting. So overall, everybody is right. All these three components are really important in having a club meeting. So we're gonna go in deep and depth of these three parts of a forage club meeting, the business part, educational heart, and then a recreational section of the meeting. So when we think about a for-each club, I want us just to remind ourselves like what is for each and what are we are really about. And for H is a positive youth development movement based on skill building activities and meaningful leadership roles supported by caring adults. So really we are about kids coming together to build skills with caring adults while they're also developing some leadership skills. So ultimately we want to make sure that we're not just focusing on one area, but we're focusing on both skill development and leadership skills. And we want it to be engaging and fun so that kids will continue to come back. So many of you have maybe seen this wheel on the screen. This is the club meeting. We'll if you have not, that's okay. We will go through it. We're gonna go through it a little bit more in depth and really know that this is also going to be shared with you in the follow-up handout. So if you want to look at it a little bit more in depth in later, you're welcome to do that. But there are really three main components. There's a business time in a club meeting. There's the educational learning time. Then there's the fun, recreational social time. That business time is really for leadership development. That's helping kids develop some leadership skills. The educational learning time is more for that knowledge and skill development. So that's that specific project area or community service or time. So they're developing a skill or knowledge. They're gaining some knowledge in some specific area. And the fun, recreational social time is really for them to help develop friendships. That's for them to have fun. Those are, those get up and move type games. That's that time. So we're going to go in depth a little bit now in each one of these areas. So the first one is really that business time. So this is where normally a lot of times is at the beginning of the meeting, but it doesn't necessarily have to be at the beginning of the meeting. But ultimately, this is a time of between 15, 20 min, maybe ten to 15 min. The meeting where business happens, this is like collecting of officers, making motions for actions, committee reports. If you have a club where you have a large club where communities or groups get together and maybe do a fundraiser or that type of thing. This is where they would report back to the larger group. But this is where agendas and pledges also take place. So if you have afford, you should do the porch sludge at every meeting in the American pledge. This would be happened during that opening of a business meeting. The other part of this business meeting is really where those decision-making and planning takes place. So this is where the club made me decide what is their goals or are they going to offer some scholarships for some other kids? If they have a bank account? Are they going to buy t-shirts or get t-shirts designed for the club. This is where that happens. It's important during this business time that, Hey, kids are involved in this and have that say, meaning they have Officer roles we can talk about, we have resources to help train officers and in that type of thing. But we also want them to have a voice in this part. And again, using an agenda or using having a kind of a layout isn't really important. Remember this is that time to helping them build leadership skills. Parliamentary procedure would also be a good tool to use during this time of a meeting. And MSU Extension has some fact sheets and some information about how to kind of try to incorporate some parliamentary procedure into your club meeting. The second and what everybody says is the most important part, which is true, it is important, is that educational learning time. And this is the bigger pie or the bigger chunk of our club meeting. We see it as being maybe 30, maybe 60 min it depending on club meetings. Probably are are probably around an hour or so or maybe 2 h. I'm not really sure every clubs gonna be a little bit different, but we see this being a bigger chunk of your club meeting time. And really the reason why is because we want our kids to be engaged and we want them to be learning those skills right at those meetings. This is where those field trips. This is where guest speakers might come in. This is where kids are going to demonstrate a skill that they're trying to help other kids learn. Whether that's a showmanship technique or whether that's a sewing or a craft type of project. But ultimately, this is that hands-on learning, which is again very unique to forEach in that, in that are for each program that positive youth development. We really want kids to have this opportunity to gain new skills, gained these knowledge. And again, using these different kinds of areas that you could do. Whether it's Club work, whether it's community service or learning projects. But that is that larger part of a porch club meeting. Then the last part of the club, which is again, about the same size of the business, so it's a little bit smaller than that educational learning part is really that games, recreational, social time. Oftentimes, what we see in this is really thinking about group, the group dynamic in that group building. So you're gonna wanna do like icebreakers or games that everybody is a part of. So that kinda get their energy out. But they really have that opportunity to really just have fun, get to know each other, build friendships, giggle, laugh, and that type of time. This also isn't a time where you can have food or snacks. I'm not not mandatory. Totally optional. Many clubs that I remember growing up in, we always had a snack or food at our meeting. Normally it was an unhealthy cookie and punch, but it was an opportunity to kids love food. So it is an opportunity to have that time to mingle and talk. And then again, just to kinda hang out. I remember playing. We always met at a Township Hall and we would always play outside after the meeting got done. And that was always our fun recreational time, whether it was softball or kickball or whatever, we always bring it around time. So it's important. Again, these are just some guidelines as far as the timing. But really knowing that it's important to have a chunk of your meeting focusing on these different areas. So does anybody have any fun icebreakers or group activities that they might do it? Therefore, each club meeting, we always love hearing different ones from different clubs. So if you have a really fun icebreaker or a way to get to know everybody in your club, love to see it in the chat. I was just sharing earlier on our other class that easy one is to take toilet paper. Roll of toilet paper from your house, pass it around. Everybody needs to take some toilet paper. However many sheets of paper they reached. Rip off is how many times things they have to tell themselves about you or about themselves. So if you rip off five pieces of toilet paper, you have to tell us five things about yourself. It's a fun, easy one and doesn't cost a lot because most people have toilet paper at home. So was there any in the chat? Someone said they made edible cookie dough a few months ago. Yeah, That's a fun refreshment type piece, but also gets that relationship's going with everybody because they get to connect with each other. Because remember you, when you are involved, they want to be with their peers and their friends. So as we think about our forEach experiences, one of the things that gives for each so much value is it is a hands-on learning experience. And we get to really have that experience, but we want to have a youth voice in it. It is incredibly important that you'd have a very active role in their youth. Get excited when they have active leadership type roles and allows them to have an experience. We want you to be part of the how to learn and explore. We want them to help plan the year out. We want to use officers and leadership positions within the club. Maybe it's not always officers, but it could be just who's the recreational planner for the meeting? Who's the just thinking about how to go those we really need to design for each club programs with your teams, not for them. Teams want to be responsible for the club. Help teens develop important leadership and decision-making skills in a strong commitment to the for-each program. By letting them plan and implement the club program committed for each members will become forage graduates, not for each dropout. Highlight the officers. There's I'm going to highlight it. Officers roll back sheet and you'll receive that in the chat follow up for it. But there's about how to really build that and have that successful youth adult partnerships. So you'd have a voice and have a say in the club and are really active in the decisions the club is making. Because when they're excited and they're having a voice, they talked to their friends, and their friends start coming in. We grow our forEach experiences. If youth aren't excited and aren't enjoying their forage experiences, they're more likely to become for each dropouts instead of graduate for eight years. So another huge part of how to get building those, that the value of the forage club is really thinking about how do we do recognition within our club. And it's a combination of informal and formal recognition. We have to think about those informal pieces. It's at general encouragement of youth participants and our four H club, it's helping youth. Recognizing what they're, where they arrived at their projects, helping them set goals, congratulate them and when they meet their different goals in their project, It's giving them that general encouragement piece to help them keep going. And then there's some more formal parts of recognition. It's thinking about maybe we write Award nominations for them, for county awards. We think about certificates we do if in our club, if they attend so many meetings, we think about the year pins. I know growing up in my for-each club, I have in my boxes stuff I have every year. I have my year pins from when I was in for h. That was something that was really cool and important. Yes. We just have in the chat. The next one I was going to talk about is a formal pieces and end-of-the-year banquet or a wrap-up meeting at the end of the year, which can be formal and informal. It can be formal because you're bringing everyone together and recognizing things. You can take the time to recognize what people, what you've accomplished in the club. But then you can also give you the opportunity to share what they learned and give them that whole general encouragement pieces. So yeah, there's lots of ways to do it and you build that and you get youth excited and they get to share their, share that passion with others that way. When we think about for each clubs, it, There's some tips to have successful meetings to really ensure that their success going on. It's important to have a plan for your meetings. Think about when they're going to happen, where are they going to happen, how often they're going to have and having that plan. But while creating that plan, you also want to be working with the youth and your club to determine when is the best time for your club to me, where do they want to meet? Where do they thinking about it? Then you also want to think about clear expectations. Communicating what are the expectations of the club? I want people to attend this many meetings. I want people to be actively engaged. I need people to do this, helping them be that and having youth helped set those clear expectations that they have a voice. And those expectations, it's all about being engaged and connected to the members. So many of you shared earlier about welcoming them at the door, finding out what else they do, really getting to know them helps you be engaged and connected to them. Then it's working as a team. You don't need to, as a leader of a club, you shouldn't be the only one doing everything. Use the youth in your club. Use other volunteers in your club to help plan or help implement. Use can have such. When you are actively engaged and working as part of the team, they have more commitment, they're more follow-through and they have more excitement. Make it fun and hands-on use have sat all day in school if you meet in the evenings and they don't want to sit during a boring meeting. They want to be active, they want to be gaged. They want to be spending time with their friends and their peers and learning at the same time and still make those for each experiences that and then ensure that there's follow-through. Everyone has lots on their plates, but find ways to, when you say whatever you say you're gonna do with in your club, follow it through throughout the year for everybody. So as we really think about our forEach clubs, we want to have tools, to have a very full toolbox to ensure we have success within our meetings. So it's important in our toolbox that we have think about the locations that work for meetings. We think about creating agendas for creating an agenda for the meeting so that we have those. We have a pocket, we have a toolbox full of icebreaker activities. What are those quick icebreaker activities that you can have put some nights, you might have a full-out plan. You've created an agenda, you have a plan, and nothing is working. The youth are just not engaged. If you have a toolbox full of icebreaker activities or other ideas, you pull something out, you throw your plan out the window and you start out fresh to get people excited and engaged in it could change things. Have those other ideas. Think about having a gamble at your for-each clubs so that whoever your youth precedent is that they can truly follow Robert's Rules of Order is and use it and make them feel like they have value. Have the flags, the American in for h. So that when you're saying the pledges, They are there. I have a printout of the for-each pledge so that those that don't know the pledge can see it on a printout and help them learn on it. I for my for-each club, we have a laminated copy that we bring with us to every meeting and so that we can help people with it. One of the youth hold it up and we let the youth lead the pledges for everyone. Your follow-up email is going to include that PDF flyer you can use. Think about those healthy snacks or refreshments that you're going to have so that there's food and taste because that entices teens for sure. Think about how you're building that youth, having that youth voice and your club, when youth are active in the club, they're gonna be there. I think that I like to have packed in my club toolboxes, my fidget toys, sunlight, little squishy balls, or just things to give some, use something active to hold in their hands so that they have, they can stay engaged. Think about how you're using parliamentary procedure within your clubs so that you're helping you learn that while you're doing the business meeting, you're using parliamentary procedures. So you're doing that business, you're covering that business, but you're also in teaching use and important life skill of what parliamentary procedure is. Because they're most likely going to need those pieces no matter where they go, because there's always meetings, the gauge. Think about ensuring that your club meetings will start and end on time. When you say have it start the time you're going to say it's kinda an end on time so that families can do that important planning. Having your business meetings use Robert's Rules of Order is and club. And parliamentary procedure helps ensure that there'll be smooth and quick and completed in a timely manner. Find ways to make sure all the members are taking part in the discussion, in the decisions that are being made. Maybe keep a chart of all the members in your club and kinda keep track of who's, who's participating in the discussion, who's not. And those that are not as maybe trying to pull them aside or talk to them afterwards to see what's going on. How can you support them, but will make them feel more comfortable. Thinking about different ways that you can have discussion happening. Not every youth wants to get up and talk. Think about what else you could do. You could consider if you're voting on something, moving people to different corners of the room to have them make decisions. So they're not just sitting there and raising their hands. Just think about those. Ensure that your club meeting place will be safe and comfortable and a welcoming environment for all Club. Makes sure there's fun included for each of your meetings. Youth are at this age where they'd rather that were there more connected and want to spend time and drawn to their peers. And if it's a fun experience for them, they're gonna get more of their peers there and they're going to enjoy it. Have that learning activity included in every club meeting. But think about how that learning activity can be fun at the same time. It could be looking at different for each curriculum. Having members or volunteers do a demonstration. Having used to show and tell about the different projects they're working on. Bringing a guest speaker. Just really think about how to make that a fun experience for them. I'm thinking about how you build some community service into your club and how people celebrate it. Have the youth plan, the community service project, and think about what do they wanna do and build that in some community service projects that are really easy. And then our fun is having them create cards or declarations for nursing homes or assisted living facilities to brighten those people's days. Having them write letters to people building, doing things for different pediatric hospitals. A fun one that my club just did is we made birthday in a box kits. So our hits packed birthday boxes for homeless shelters. And we bought the supplies of a birthday cake mix of Canada pop frosting, balloons and streamers and candles. And we packed it all in a box and then the use made cards to put it in these boxes. That way someone could pick up that box and they have everything they need there to make a cake. You can make the cake with a can of pop so they don't need oil or eggs or anything. So that's the families that don't have those pieces can do that. Think about how you have. You meant you match up new members with someone who's been in for a while so that they have someone they can go to directly for their forage questions. And then ensure that the for-each pledge is set at every meeting. Help them build that pledge and take time to think through what those parts of the pledge are for them. And then we really, as we go back to that recognition piece, make sure we figure out ways to recognize every club member and for what they're doing and letting them know that they're cared for. So what are some good tools? Are tools that you each have in your toolbox to ensure you have successful for each meetings. You want to put those into the chat. We'll give you a minute or so to share what are the tools that you utilize in your toolbox? I am kinda put in the chat some resource links that I had said I would share already. I will go back to an icebreaker that is a good one that someone shared earlier is we throw the ball around and one of the officers has a list of questions to ask whoever catches the ball, like as your favorite ice cream, your favorite sport, those are such good ones. Get a cheap beach ball to have in your body, your toolbox. So you can just blow it up quick when you need it and you've got something to do there. Awesome one. The just, the importance of communication. Communication is huge and incredibly important in four H clubs, without communication, success, have an agenda, have a head table for officers communication to get everyone to get everyone to talk, even even if it's two reading a statement, yeah. Having youth read the different pieces and passing it around. So only written small parts. Great idea. Having everyone bring a piece of information related to the meeting, to the meetings topics to share That's important, one that's giving them something to do outside, to prepare and share and be ready for the meeting. Awesome ideas. These are all great things to have in our toolbox. And that's what I love, is that we can learn from each other and find other activities to put in our toolboxes. So as we move towards kind of close to the end, we're going to leave, open it up for you to share any ideas that you have that help them be successful. For H clubs, we have someone have officers involved with kids, involved the kids with leading the pledges exactly. I think it's so important to have usually the pledges at meetings and changing it up. It gives even the Shi'is kid an opportunity to share the pledge. Our club is using two kids to stare each pledge. So sometimes it's letting that shy or younger kid who might not be quite ready start to get a little bit of experience. And someday there'll be that older kid that the younger kids will then look up to. Opening it up to ideas that you might want to share with others you've already shared so many great ones that can really think about building that toolbox and helping you build your for-each clubs. Yeah, it's important to understand that teens are busy and sometimes they just want to work on projects themselves. Just make sure you know, to know that you're there for them. That is so important is that teens are really busy and they have a lot of different things. But if you've worked hard to build that relationship and rapport, they know that they can reach out to you as they're working on their projects. That's such an important tool to remember always thank you for sharing that. I think it's also important in that aspect to also encourage teens to take on leadership roles, maybe not just in their club, but in their county or in other opportunities. It's amazing how forage kids have more experience leading groups and have that, that, that competence because they've been a part of orange clubs and that type of thing. I see that my daughter in many different ways. So sometimes teens need that little encouragement from adult to say, hey, you really should try this or you really should do this. Um, so really helping those teams find those opportunities. They might not want to come to a meeting or they might not. Yeah, but maybe there's a way that they can get them involved in sharing some of that leadership. Yet simple things for team leaders. Some goals is like having them just lead a demonstration and a project meeting on whatever project they're doing is to teach another kid, matching them up with a younger youth who's really passionate about that project and helping them grow, having them lead the icebreaker at meetings, really giving them just little things that grows their competence and then they can just blast them and take on so many more things. So we do want to take our time to thank you all for coming tonight. And I am going to stop. I'm going to read this last comment, but then I'm going to stop the recording, but we will stay on to answer questions. So here's an idea, or our worldwide for each are worldwide kids for each club is a global cultural education club. We've taken a trip to visit Heifer International ranch in Arkansas, hash Heifer International farm in Massachusetts. And we have also participate in the global village experience. And how will those are all amazing experiences for you is, I've done the global village experience and how, and it is such a great field trip for youth to be at. We have people using the buddy system where the older teens match up with the younger youth. That is such a great tool and to be used. So thank you all for participating.