Animal Science
2020 Virtual Ag-Citing Experience
The Ag-Citing Experience program was developed as a joint effort between Michigan State University Extension and the St. Joseph County (Michigan) Grange Fair to invite 3rd grade classrooms to the fair to learn about how livestock and crops are raised and where their food comes from. Since the fair was cancelled in 2020, we worked with a host of volunteers to create this virtual version of the tour. Enjoy!
Horses and Sheriff's Posse
Horses are a special part of many farms in America, and they are still used as part of a mounted division of many sheriff’s departments. This video explains some of the basics of horses and how they are cared for.
4 H Livestock Virtual Show
Many county fairs were not able to meet in person in 2020, so the St. Joseph County (Michigan) 4-H program hosted a virtual livestock show where kids could upload a short video of themselves showing their animals. This video includes a selection of those videos including several different livestock species.
Dairy Farm Visit
Most Americans have never visited a farm before, so they are disconnected from the people and processes involved in raising crops and animals to provide the food we eat every day. This video takes you on a tour of a working dairy farm to see how cows are raised and milk is produced.
Wool Spinning
You’ve probably seen live sheep or at least pictures of sheep, and you may have even seen how wool is collected during shearing, but have you ever wondered how that wool is then made into yarn and thread for making clothes? This video walks you through some of the basic steps of processing wool to create yarn and wool clothing.
Still looking for additional resources in this area?
MSU Extension staff deliver educational content in a variety of ways: through live virtual events, informational articles and publications, downloadable activities and lessons, pre-recorded videos, online courses and so much more. Staff also have access to resources created by partner organizations and other Extension services.
Connect with the 4-H program coordinator in your county MSU Extension office or search for an MSU Extension expert on the topic of interest to inquire about additional resources, custom trainings and more.