4-H Teen Leadership
Published on April 17, 2015
This publication explains the role and responsibilities of teen leaders, outlines the objectives of teen leadership and describes how teens can become teen leaders. -
Michigan 4-H Judging Cards (4-H1293–96, 4H1720-21)
Published on April 16, 2015
You can use the pdf file provided here as a template for printing the cards for livestock and horse judging events. -
Michigan 4-H Recognition Handbook
Published on April 16, 2015
The Michigan 4-H Youth Development Recognition Task Force intends to help Extension staff and volunteers develop and improve recognition programs in their counties, 4-H clubs and groups with this publication. -
Characteristics of Effective 4-H Clubs
Published on April 6, 2015
The club structure is designed to help volunteers and members build significant and lasting relationships. This sheet describes the characteristics of effective Michigan 4-H clubs. -
4-H Guiding Principles for Positive Youth Development
Published on April 6, 2015
Helping You Help Officers & Committees (4H1467)
Published on April 6, 2015
This publication is designed for the 4-H club or group organization leader or the person named to work with the officers. -
Michigan 4-H Secretary’s Record Book
Published on April 6, 2015
4-H secretaries will find this booklet useful for recording minutes. -
Youth Mentoring Tips & Tools
Published on April 6, 2015
The documents that follow provide information that may be useful for 4-H staff and volunteers who are planning and conducting 4-H youth mentoring programs. -
Michigan 4-H Youth Mentoring E-mail Newsletter Archives
Published on April 6, 2015
Michigan 4-H Youth Mentoring newsletters provide information on upcoming professional development opportunities, mentoring events, job vacancies and other topics related to statewide youth mentoring efforts. -
Basic Parliamentary Procedure for 4-H Clubs
Published on March 31, 2015
This handout covers the basics of parliamentary procedure. It is intended to help 4-H clubs and groups make decisions and conduct meetings in an orderly fashion.