Keeping Phosphorus in your Lawn & Garden

What can you do to be “phosphorus smart”?

Phosphorus (P) is a nutrient that stimulates plant growth. When it rains, stormwater can carry phosphorus-containing materials into lakes and streams, which can result in excessive algal growth, decreased water quality and harm to aquatic life.

Don’t guess, soil test

Successful nutrient management begins with soil sampling 

Fertilize smartly

 Prevent soil erosion

  • Maintain a dense lawn or other vegetation to reduce water runoff.
  • Establish a native plant buffer along the shoreline. 

Keep leaves away from the lake

  • Don’t burn or compost near the shoreline.

Pump out your septic tank every three to five years

Additional Information:

View the Michigan Fertilizer Ordinances 

View the Michigan Fertilizer Legislation Restricts Phosphorus Applications on Turf 

View the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (excerpt) Act 451 of 1994 - special attention to the highlighted text