Sentinel Tree Reporting & Monitoring

A unique part of the Eyes on the Forest program includes establishing a network of “sentinel trees” across the state. The ultimate goal is to build a network of trained volunteers who agree to “adopt” one or more individual trees, then periodically monitor and report on the condition of the tree(s) over time. An extensive volunteer network greatly increases the chances that new pests or other problems will be detected early, before substantial damage occurs.

You can choose to monitor a tree that is a potential host of one of the target pests. But please feel free to select and monitor any forest or shade tree on your property! Nearly every species of tree in Michigan can be potentially affected by at least one invasive pest, along with a variety of native insects or pathogens.

Sentinel tree volunteers will report their sentinel tree observations through the Midwest Invasive Species Information Network (MISIN) website: . Our collaborators have added a whole section devoted to the Eyes on the Forest program there.

How to volunteer

If you would like to become a sentinel tree volunteer, please contact:

Julie Crick

MSUE Natural Resources Educator

Eyes on the Forest Coordinator