2022 Survival Camp: Day 5

Our final Survival Day! Filled with Foraging, A game of Capture the Flag, and Skits for our parents!

Survival Camp: Day 5



Today, even though we do have animal chores, the campers got to choose where we go today! Some went to play with the baby goats, other went to the chickens, and some even went to go see the ducks one more time and say hello to the sheep as they walked. The baby goats were super happy to see the campers come in to their pens and rush to greet them constantly!


Hunters & Mammoths/Skit PracticeIMG_6001

It's a kind of hide and seek game, where you have 2 teams, Hunters and Mammoths, the Mammoths have to leave a trail using flour/any visible substance, and after a while the hunters have to follow the trail to try and find the Mammoths throughout the farm. The area had some boundaries, but overall the campers had to use teamwork to try and hide or find the other group.



What plants can we find that are edible? The whole game was centered around finding plants located right here on our Tollgate Farm, where they grow not as the main plant in our garden, but the ones considered wild or weeds that grow around the main farm plants, such as Queen Anne's Lace, Yarrow, Jewelweed, Red Clovers, Purple Coneflower, Purslane, and Wood Sorrel. All these plants can be ingested right off the plant, or you can choose to cook the plants as well. 

Smoothies & PopcornIMG_6006

Since there were so many activities moving around today, our garden kitchen was fairly simple, with a smoothie to start the morning filled with fruits, then before going off to the shelters in the forest, we took our to-go afternoon snack which was popcorn with everything-bagel seasoning. Reminder! Keep and eye out for the Garden Kitchen recipes post, it will be there tomorrow morning!




We finally completed building our shelters! Each set of campers got to present their shelter and the inspiration behind how they built it to their group, showing the main tactics they used to build and maintain the structures for the entire week. Afterwards, we practiced the 'leave no trace' activity that we had done earlier in the week, and dispersed the sticks throughout the forest floor, and any materials such as rope or tarp were taken and put  back into a bin to take out of the forest. Better than we found it!

Capture the FlagIMG_6033

all together now! We all had a long 1-hour game between all the different camp groups, as a fun way to end our day before our parents arrived. We split the groups into two teams, put the flags on either side of the Old Apple Orchard, and let the campers loose! Each group kept running back and forth like crazy, each trying to stop the other team from crossing the middle line of cones, and from taking their flag. Afterwards, we rewarded everyone with popsicles.

IMG_6049Skit Performance!

As always on Friday, we do a performance for the campers' parents as a way to show what they learned throughout the week. Some groups sang camp songs, others performed funny dances, and some acted out funny happenings throughout the entire week. Thank you to all the campers for a most wonderful week of fun! We will see you next week for even more amazing activities!


Check out more photos of Survival Camp here!

2022 Survival Camp

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