
Publications (View all Dillon’s publications on Google Scholar sorted by year)

Selected Publications

Dillon, Andrew, Kevin McGee, and Gbemisola Oseni. (2015) “Agricultural Production, Dietary Diversity and Climate Variability”, Journal of Development Studies, forthcoming.

Olney, Deanna, Abdoulaye Pedehombga, Marie Ruel, and Andrew Dillon. (2015) “A two year integrated agriculture and nutrition and health behavior change communication program targeted to women in Burkina Faso reduces anemia, wasting and diarrhea in children 3-12.9 mo of age at baseline: A cluster-randomized controlled trial” Journal of Nutrition, forthcoming.

Van den Bold, Mara, Andrew Dillon, Deanna Olney, and Agnes Quisumbing. (2015) “Can Integrated Agriculture-Nutrition Programs Change Gender Norms on Land and Asset Ownership?” Journal of Development Studies, forthcoming.

Dillon, Andrew. (2013) “Child Labor Responses to Production and Health Shocks in Northern Mali,” Journal of African Economies, 22(2):  276-299.

Beaman, Lori and Dillon, Andrew. (2012) “Do household definitions matter in survey design? Results from a randomized survey experiment in Mali,” Journal of Development Economics, 98 (1): 124-135.

Dillon, Andrew & Bardasi, Elena & Beegle, Kathleen & Serneels, Pieter. (2012) “Explaining Variation in Child Labor Statistics” Journal of Development Economics, 98 (1): 136-147.

Dillon, Andrew. (2011)  “The Effect of Irrigation on Poverty Reduction, Asset Accumulation and Informal Insurance:  Evidence from Northern Mali,” World Development, 39 (12):  2165-2175. 

Bardasi, Elena & Beegle, Kathleen & Dillon, Andrew & Serneels, Pieter. (2011) “Do Labor Statistics Depend on How and to Whom the Questions Are Asked? Results from a Survey Experiment in Tanzania,” World Bank Economic Review, 25(3): 418-447.

Dillon, Andrew; Mueller, Valerie; Salau, Sheu (2011). “Migratory Responses to Agricultural Risk in Northern Nigeria,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 93(4): 1048-1061.

Dillon, Andrew (2010).  “Measuring Child Labor:  Comparisons between Hours Data and Subjective Measures,” Research in Labor Economics 31: 135-169.