Volunteer Information
4-H Exploration Days could not happen without the help of dedicated volunteers like you!
Each year participant evaluation responses are overwhelmingly positive. Many parents and 4-H volunteers notice improvements in children’s interest, knowledge and social skills after they participate in 4-H Exploration Days, and this outcome would not be possible if we could not rely on the enthusiasm for youth participation and development that the outstanding volunteers provide.
There are many ways to volunteer at 4-H Exploration Days. All adults who participate in 4-H Exploration Days will serve in some capacity to support the success of the event.
All volunteers must adhere to the MSU Extension Volunteer Code of Conduct and successfully complete the Michigan State University Extension's Volunteer Selection Process. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for 4-H Exploration Days, or for Michigan 4-H in general, please contact your local MSU Extension Office for more details, or visit MSU Extension Volunteer Central.
We appreciate all our volunteers and what they bring to this exciting youth program!
This summer's event is slated for June 18-20, 2025. MSU Extension is committed to ensuring that participants and volunteers of Exploration Days have a safe and enjoyable experience.
Benefits for you as an instructor:
- Share your passion and knowledge about a topic important to you and youth
- Support youth experiencing college life on the campus of Michigan State University
To apply to teach a session or free-time activity:
- Session and Free Time submission forms due by December 5, 2024
- To see a list of questions in the submission form please click here.
For detailed instructor role descriptions: