Relays & Squads

In order for the State Shoot to run as smoothly and efficiently as possible, participants have been organized into relays and squads within events. Relays and squads are assigned randomly to avoid any advantage of one competitor or team over other, and also minimize the effect of changes throughout the day (wind, sun, heat, rain, fatigue, etc.) on team scores. While we understand the desire and some advantages of team members shooting together, we believe that reducing the weather variables and, more importantly, providing an opportunity for youth to meet, talk to, and compete next to new people from around the state provides a unique and valuable youth development opportunity.

Click on the events below to see relays and squads for each event. Also note check-in and tentative shooting times for those events. Participants not present for their check-in and shooting time may lose their opportunity to compete.

Relays and Squads will be posted below approximately one week before the tournament.

Volunteer assignments can be reviewed here.

Rifle Events:

Shotgun Events:

Archery Events:

Hunting and Wildlife Event:

Hunting and Wildlife starts at 9 AM.


Check-In Times for Ranges:

Event Location Volunteer Check-In Time Youth Check-In Time Event Starts
  Parking  7:00 AM -- --
  Headquarters (data entry) 10:00 AM -- --
3-D Archery
(all relays)
Woods Walk
(3-D Archery Check-In)
7:30 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM
Target Archery
(Relay 1)
Target Archery Range
(West of Club House)
7:30 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM
Target Archery
(Relay 2)
Target Archery Range
(West of Club House)
10:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM
Muzzle Rifle Events area 7:30 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM
Skeet (relay 1) Shotgun Check-In and Skeet Fields 7:30 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM
Skeet (relay 2) Shotgun Check-In and Skeet Fields 7:30 AM 8:00 AM 10:15 AM
Skeet (relay 3) Shotgun Check-In and Skeet Fields 7:30 AM 8:00 AM 11:30 AM
Skeet (relay 4) Shotgun Check-In and Skeet Fields 7:30 AM 8:00 AM 12:45 PM
Trap (relay 1) Shotgun Check-In and Trap Fields  7:30 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM
Trap (relay 2) Shotgun Check-In and Trap Fields  7:30 AM 8:00 AM 9:45 AM
Trap (relay 3) Shotgun Check-In and Trap Fields  7:30 AM 8:00 AM 10:30 AM
BB  Rifle Events area 7:30 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM
Air Rifle  Rifle Events area 7:30 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM
.22  Rifle Events area 7:30 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM
Hunting and Wildlife Hunting and Wildlife area 8:30 AM   9:00 AM

Volunteer Assignments:

Your involvement is critical to creating a safe and efficient event! MSU Extension is firmly committed to ensuring the safety of those who take part in our programming by providing a thorough screening and selection process for MSU Extension volunteers. This ensures those who work alongside us or directly with youth and the people we serve are safe and have positive experiences that enrich their lives. Further information about the Volunteer Selection Process is available here. Listed below are available roles by volunteer type (Gold or Silver). While adults may register for a volunteer job at this event without having the current status, they should immediately apply (follow link) for the appropriate volunteer status to allow ample time to complete background checks prior to this event. 

Due to the size and scope of this event, we require approximately a 1:4 volunteer to contestant ratio. To ensure safety and an enjoyable experience, events without sufficient volunteers may be postponed or cancelled. 


Volunteer Roles and associated Background Status 


Pre-requisite volunteer type: Certified Shooting Sports Instructor status AND Gold Volunteer status

Range Officer and Range Helper (please note: range experience/Instructor certification required)

  • Assists range officer during competition.

Pre-requisite volunteer type: Gold Volunteer status

County Coordinator

  • Administrative contact for county DURING the event
  • As a County Coordinator you are responsible for picking up your County’s packet from Club House - either Friday night or first thing Saturday morning.  Only you will be able to pick up these packets.
  • Responsible for check-in for all county competitors on tournament day
  • Assisting participants with questions
  • You are responsible and expected to stay to the end of the event.
  • You are expected to take home any medals for your county that are not picked up during the Awards Ceremony so your County Extension office can distribute them appropriately. 

Pre-requisite volunteer type: minimum Silver Volunteer status
(Gold volunteers also welcome)

Data Entry

  • Enters scores into computer database (data entry/keyboarding skills necessary)

Headquarters Help

  • Assist with lost/found
  • General information
  • T-shirt sales
  • Tracking required paperwork
  • Organizing awards

Target Scorer

  • Scores or checks target.

Pre-requisite volunteer type: None


  • Volunteers will direct and assist others with parking.

Other Volunteer tips:

Volunteer Check-in at your assigned location at, or before, the designated time. If no time is designated, check in at least 15 minutes before the participant check-in starts.   Range Officers will make specific assignments when you check in. Failure to show may result in the inability of youth from your county to compete, as it may leave the event too short-handed to run safely. Thanks for your support in creating a safe and fun event for all!

Replacements: If you are unable to fulfill your assigned duty, it is critical and your responsibility to find a replacement and let the range officer know of the change.

Your involvement is critical to creating a safe and efficient event! 

Questions? Contact

Joe Kreider
Phone: (231) 258-3320, ext. 4