Michigan 4-H Embryology Course: Considerations Before Starting Egg Incubation
Published on February 24, 2021
Thank you for your interest in the Michigan 4-H Virtual Embryology Course. Before getting started, consider these scenarios and review helpful planning tips. -
Air Quality in Fair and Exhibition Barns
Published on June 8, 2020
Taking effective steps to improve air quality requires planning and knowledge of the barn’s normal daytime and nighttime temperatures, availability of electrical outlets for fans, and knowledge of prevailing winds. -
Recommendations for Marketing Youth Animal Projects – Poultry (Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks) and Rabbits
Published on May 25, 2020
This document will serve as a guide to help youth market, establish pricing, find a processor, keep records, and evaluate transportationconsiderations. -
Poultry Diseases: Infectious Coryza
Published on May 16, 2019
While “coryza” has traditionally referred to any respiratory disease of poultry, infectious coryza is a specific bacterial infection caused by the bacteria, Infectious coryza causes poor growth in young birds and a significant drop in egg laying. -
Tips for Purchasing and Bringing Home Livestock
Published on March 28, 2019
Acquiring new stock is exciting and making sure that you know the questions to ask before the purchase and the preparations required to bring new livestock home is key to managing their health and safety. -
Animal Exhibit Hand Washing Sign
Published on July 17, 2017
The following sign can be used to help visitors to animal barns and exhibits practice good hygiene and biosecurity by washing their hands after visiting. -
Children & Youth Programming: Equipping Young People for Success Through Science Literacy
Published on April 24, 2017
With a goal of ensuring every Michigan child is prepared with the knowledge, tools and skills to lead a healthy and productive life, MSU Extension’s children and youth programming uses the experiential learning model through which children learn best. -
4-H Sportsmanship Activity Series
Published on March 29, 2017
Good sportsmanship is a critical skill for youth. Competitive events and activities provide a great opportunity for youth to learn how to be fair, respectful and gracious -- whether they win or lose. -
4-H Sportsmanship Activity: Sportsmanship - What is it?
Published on March 29, 2017
4-H Sportsmanship Activity: Sportsmanship - What is it? -
4-H Sportsmanship Activity: Sportsmanship Role Play
Published on March 29, 2017
4-H Sportsmanship Activity: Sportsmanship Role Play