Examine health risks associated with a particular skill to better form personnel safety guidelines (Career Cluster I.C.1)

Health Risks

Health risks are a risk factor is anything that increases the likelihood of developing a disease or injury. Agricultural pursuits involve health risks in a variety of ways. Being able to identify these risks is the key to being safe.

Safety Guidelines

Safety guidelines are a set of procedures in the workplace that ensure safety for all. Being able to design, create and follow these guidelines is an important part of ensuring safety while working in the Agriculture field.

Biological Safety

Biological safety is an important component when working with living things or materials that come from living things. This includes safe animal handling, biosecurity, and food safety.

Mechanical Safety

Vehicles in motion, and other things with moving parts, can pose a hazard to students if they do not interact with these machines safely. Some mechanical items in the classroom are: small equipment, tools, tractors, and electrical components.

Chemical Safety

Chemicals are used everywhere on a daily basis. Understanding how to store chemicals, use chemicals, handle chemical spills, and emergencies involving chemicals is key to safely handling chemicals in a classroom and other program facilities.