Field Crops
Farm resilience starts with a solid financial foundation
Published on November 3, 2023
How the MSU Extension Farm Business Management Team and their resources can help farms build resiliency. -
Michigan pesticide applicator review sessions, recertifications credits, and testing options for winter 2023 through spring 2024
Published on October 19, 2023
Frequently asked questions about when and where pesticide applicators can earn education credits or take the certification exam. -
Reducing Soybean Harvest Losses
Published on September 28, 2023
Learn about the causes of soybean harvest losses and practical recommendations for reducing harvest losses. -
Phosphorus concentration fluctuates rapidly like a nutrient roller coaster
Published on September 25, 2023
Understanding the timing of phosphorus loss helps guide decisions aimed at reducing harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie. -
Fall Weed Control Options
The Michigan State University Extension Field Crops Virtual Breakfast Series features Christy Sprague, MSU weed scientist, discussing fall weed control options.
USDA offers farms with FSA loans an opportunity to ease repayment distress
Published on September 19, 2023
Cash Flow-Based Assistance can help reset the clock on loan payments. -
El USDA ofrece a los agricultores que tienen préstamos con la FSA la oportunidad de facilitar el apremio por la devolución del dinero
Published on September 19, 2023
La Asistencia de Flujo de Caja puede ayudarlo a ajustar el calendario de pagos. -
Congratulations to 17 SARE grant awardees in 2023
Published on September 15, 2023
$1.3 million in new grant funds support Michigan sustainable agriculture researchers, farmers and educators. -
Monitoring Nematode Resistance in Soybeans
The Michigan State University Extension Field Crops Virtual Breakfast Series features Marisol Quintanilla, MSU nematologist, discussing monitoring nematode resistance in soybeans.
Corn growth and maturity response to variable weather conditions
Published on September 12, 2023
Uneven emergence and early season drought can prolong corn vegetative phase, delay maturity, and might impact grain yield and in-field moisture drydown. -
Marketing Your Grain Crops
The Michigan State University Extension Field Crops Virtual Breakfast Series features Jonathan LaPorte, MSU Extension farm business management educator, discussing marketing your grain crops.
A century of soil testing in Michigan
Published on August 31, 2023
Jon Dahl discusses the changes and challenges of soil testing in Michigan for almost a century. -
Setting the Stage for Record Breaking Wheat Yields
The Michigan State University Extension Field Crops Virtual Breakfast Series features Dennis Pennington, MSU wheat systems specialist, discussing setting the stage for record breaking wheat yields.
Soil testing through MSU Extension
Published on August 30, 2023
MSU Extension home lawn and garden and commercial soil tests provide access to personalized fertilizer recommendations for thousands of Michigan residents every year. -
Why test soil in the fall?
Published on August 28, 2023
Compared to spring, fall is an ideal time for soil testing. Here’s why. -
Timing the Last Irrigation Application
The Michigan State University Extension Field Crops Virtual Breakfast Series features Younsuk Dong, state irrigation specialist in the Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering at MSU, discussing timing the last irrigation application.
Falling numbers in wheat: What causes it and why am I getting docked?
Published on August 23, 2023
How are falling numbers determined and why is wheat discounted if they are too low? -
Hot Topics Q&A with Specialists
The Michigan State University Extension Field Crops Virtual Breakfast Series Hot Topics Q&A session allows attendees to ask questions with our specialists in a more open format.
Best practices for buying farm inputs
Published on August 16, 2023
Lower your risk while maximizing your cash. -
Drones for Spraying Pesticides
The Michigan State University Extension Field Crops Virtual Breakfast Series features Erdal Ozkan, professor in the Department of Food, Agriculture and Biological Engineering at The Ohio State University, discussing drones for spraying pesticides.